I am honored these five women come together with me in my home each month so we can share our lives in a safe, loving environment. The things that happen in our circle are amazing. Truly, we experience miracles sometimes.

I made a new recipe of chocolate cake. I'll post it below. I'm sorry but I don't recall where I got it from. But, it was tasty. Martha says it's definitely a top 5 cake, maybe a top 3 - maybe even number 1. Obviously, I love to cook for Martha - she's so appreciative.
You can also see the jar. Each month we have the opportunity to write something down and it's kept on a shelf in my dining room all year. Then, we open them and share if we wish and keep them private if we wish. We've only done it one year so far - obviously, since we've only been going that long. We opened them in February and it was really interesting. We had planned to do something different but the jar was such a great experience we did it again.
You might also notice candy canes. We always have candy canes - specifically Bob's Candy Canes. I had some the first Christmas and Martha told us a story about Bob's and how they're better than the others. So, I've made sure I have some Bob's candy canes every month since then. So, even when it's over 90 degrees, we have Bob's Candy Canes available.
In other news today I've worked on garden tour things. I'm worn out. I will be glad when this event is done and I can bask in the success (positive thinking!).
Chocolate Cake
1 stick of butter
1 Cup of water
1 cup of shortening
2 tablespoons of Cocoa
Bring to a boil then add
2 cups flour
2 cups sugar
Mix well Add 4 eggs
In a separate bowl mix
1/2 cup buttermilk
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp vanilla
Combine with other ingredients then bake @ 375 in a 9 by 13 pan. Cook until done - about 30 minutes.
6 TBS of milk
1 stick of butter
2 TBS cocoa
bring to a boil then add:
1 box of powdered sugar
1 tsp of vanilla
Yo, Patsy, where's a picture of the cake? Lovely picture of the table. Hugs, marge:)
It's there... just still in the pan I baked it in - between the jar and the cups. It was a very "unfancy" night!
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