Just today, thanks to my board president Peggy, we got our final garden. I had one garden drop - well, as best I can tell - the home owner won't return my phone calls or take them - so I assume she has changed her mind. I really wish she had confirmed that for me, but I can only guess. Anyway, it turned out great, so that's all that matters. It's going to be a fabulous tour!
Needless to say, working on the tour is all I've done work wise, but I did have a social life as far as meals today.
I started out with Susan K at Skaets. We had a nice breakfast and then I met Andrea for lunch. We had a really interesting chat. I'm going to plan an art retreat weekend and I was brainstorming with her. Tonight I met Greg at Skaets for dinner. He got home last night from his westward trip and I'm so glad he's back.
I've got a lot of other things going on, aside from the garden tour, so I'm a bit overwhelmed.
We're getting more storms, after last night and the night before. Fortunately, my immediate area has escaped.
I did make arrangements today for the electrician to come next week. I have a number of things that need to be done so I'm trying to make a list.
Terry has popped over for me to make a CD for him of some Tai Chi things. After that I think I'm headed to bed. I got very little sleep last night. I went to bed about 12:30 but at 4:23 I was still awake. At 6:23 I was awake again and couldn't get back to sleep so I got up at 7.
I don't need much sleep - far less than other people - but I do need some... and I've had very little the last couple of weeks. So, I think I need to try and get some rest.
I'm supposed to have Roy's with Jocelyn and Diana tomorrow as a celebration for Jocelyn making a big sale. I'm going to get up early enough to make garden tour flyers so I can get them cut before noon when the printing place closes. Ah... so much to do... I best get these CDs done and get some rest.