Madella reminded me how everyone finds beauty in their world. She had a bouquet of jonquils sitting on a table on her front porch, and also a cloth over another little table on the porch. It was such a nice scene. And, the white kitty that made an occasional appearance completed the view.

The water there is clear and so you can see the rocks through it. We also spotted tadpoles and frogs and lots of snails. Snails are a good sign because that means the eco system is healthy.

I have made my own little travel set of things for watercolor, complete with a mini M and M's tube that was in my Chritmas stocking two years ago to hold water. Amazingly enough it's water tight and it fits into the carrying case where I keep everything I need for watercoloring. I love Ninj brushes - they truly changed my art life.
This afternoon I also played - ever so briefly - with the small colored pencil set I bought at the Getty museum in LA. I had forgotten all about it, but rediscovered it today in my bag. I didn't have time to do much with it but that's just a good project for another day.

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