Scenes of Life
I've been so occupied lately that I've not been taking the time to post pix of various scenes in my world, or even write here. Needless to say, I've been spending a lot of time with politics - locally and calling for races in other places. And, of course, having one day a week devoted to leadership has taken some significant energy. This week is my turn to work with a group to do the setup so it will be even more time.
Last weekend was the Altrusa This and That sale. I didn't help at all. I just could not commit to one more thing when they were asking for people to agree to do various things. Plus, I wasn't sure if I would be in town. But, I was, and stopped by to buy my pecans. Altrusa orders fresh crop pecans to sell there and they are wonderful. I bought five pounds of them to use.
Jocelyn had a booth set up so I ended up visiting with her for an hour or so. It was good to see her. Now that she's in Wichita all week it's hard to hook up with her.

We have had some great days here weatherwise, although the last few days fall has arrived with more blustery days and night.
But this particular day it was gorgeous outside and we decided to take advantage of it with a late afternoon walk.

Of course, I wrote about going to see Garrison in Lindsborg. I didn't get a chance to mention that across from Presser Hall is this church. They had the lights on so the stained glass was beautiful.

I ran into an old friend at the Keillor performance, but didn't have time for more than saying hello. Sometimes there are people in your world that you have a history with that you don't see for a long time and then when you do it's instant connection again. He and I are like that. We may not see each other for years, even though we live within 30 miles of each other, and when we do I'm reminded of how much I miss him.
However, neither of us makes the effort to connect any other time. I'm not sure why. I used to, but it was just too complex to work out schedules. And, generally, when it's that complex it just means the other person doesn't really want to get together - for whatever reason.
We don't have any "baggage" between us so I'm not sure what the reason is, but it is obviously there. If people are "too busy" for five years to get together, they don't want to get together with you. Five weeks I can understand. Even five months if your life is full. But, not years.
I really enjoy being around him, and when we're together he seems to feel the same, but I long ago accepted that he obviously does not share my interest in getting together.
Teresa has told me before that it "takes a lot of energy" to be around me. So, maybe that's the deal - it's just too much energy for him to expend. Whatever the case. I'll just be happy to see him when I bump into him and let it go at that.
It's not like I'm hard to find - google my name and you can find an email for me in about two seconds. So, if he ever has a desire to get together we can. Otherwise we'll just exchange the occasional pleasantry and let it be.
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