Creative Sisterhood
Tonight was Creative Sisterhood. It was good. Julie decided she didn't feel up to coming and we did miss her. But, we had a good conversation.
I made brownies again tonight. I love that recipe.
I went to Diana's today to pick up Jocelyn, who was there giving massages, to go to Roy's for lunch. But, she didn't want to go, but wanted to just bring it back there. I like to eat in so I can refill my pop and also because Roy's is a little messy. But, Jocelyn was working on a big card order and didn't want to leave the store.
So, I ended up just getting a salad at Dillons instead. I hadn't done that for a long time. The Dillons that I live close to now doesn't have a salad bar. But, I went to my old store, which is still my favorite store.
Tonight I was rushing around getting ready for Creative Sisterhood. Tomorrow night Teresa and some others are coming over for a "play group." Teresa is doing a landmark wisdom course and we're going to be part of her play group and do some of the same activities. One is to take photos of everyone in our world - that is going to take some serious effort on my part. You're supposed to take pix of anyone you talk to. Well, good grief, I talk to practically everyone I meet. Also, we're supposed to write an autobiography with major events in our lives. I'm not sure how I'm going to manage that since childhood is largely a blur, with one year blending into another, but I'll just do what I can and go with it.
Well, it's 2:15 a.m. and I've been up since 6 a.m. yesterday so I need to get some rest. I've got a full day tomorrow.