Sunday, October 01, 2006

Diana had an open house at the Dancing Grouse on the 22nd. There were some people doing Reiki, a couple of us doing readings, and other sorts of fun stuff going on.

This was my little table where I was stationed. I went in at lunchtime that day and helped set up the area. We brought in the screen and draped the fabric over to give it some color.

Afterwards Greg and I went out to get a bite to eat and he snapped this photo. I'm looking a little tired in it - it was a busy week.

This is the henna tattoo eight days after it was done.


We did a lot of different activies during leadership, including a timeline. Kris went to the trouble to illustrate it for us and it was really cool. It had that cool look of collage.

We had a number of activities involving different groups, which was nice because we got to meet a number of folks. Our first group activity was carpooling. The next thing was to come up with a way to introduce our group to the others, without just telling it.

For our group, Don wrote a poem. We made little stick figures of ourselves to illustrate his writing.


Mark came down for the last weekend of the fair. Before he had to leave on Monday we went out to The Dutch Kitchen for lunch. Greg got Mark laughing about something and Mark was what we would call "incapacitated with laughter."

I, of course, had a camera handy. My friends all love that.