Creative Sisterhood

Tonight was Creative Sisterhood and it was a really good gathering, although we missed Virginia. She is sick and Martha is not feeling great either, although she did come.
We had our Christmas celebration tonight and exchanged presents. I love that, of course. Diana gave us all an antique ornament and mine was one I had admired in her store the other day. Teresa gave us each the cutest little stockings - so adorable. I had little ornaments that were frames and I put a "Creative Sisterhood 2006" bit inside each one. Julie brought homemade peanut brittle and Martha brought nuts from the Nifty Nut House.
I had made an orange cake tonight with orange glaze. I could not stop eating the peanut brittle and I also had a piece of cake so that's a lot of sugar for me. I don't often tempt fate that way with regard to the Atrial Fib. For reasons no medical person can figure out, and that makes no sense to me, when I eat a lot of sugar it brings on an A fib attack. So, I avoid eating much sugar. I've had more today than usual but I did not eat any all day long, anticipating I would have dessert tonight. Hopefully it won't be a problem, but I'll be more cautious tomorrow and not push it.
It was a good evening. And it is nice to have the Creative Sisterhood here.
And it prompted me to work on the house more. Tomorrow night I need to pretty much finish the house. I'm taking Thursday and Friday off to cook for the party, after a speech Thursday morning early.
Tomorrow I have a lot of MHA things I need to get out the door, prep work for the screening next week, and some other things. So, it will be a busy day.