It was a miserable day. It rained... no... poured... all day long until we were leaving town and then the sun was in my eyes bad I could barely see. I don't think it ever got above 50. This wouldn't have been so bad if I had been prepared for it. But the weather forecast was for a 30% chance of scattered thundershowers in the early morning, then clearing and in the 70s. Liars. It was cold and wet all day. I think it's the most miserable I've ever been physically due to weather for that long of a time.
Jocelyn did "poorly" according to her and Mia and I certainly didn't sell much - Mia more than me. I didn't lose any money but it's certainly not worth the time and effort to ever do it again, unless I start making benches with "Grandma's Garden" on them and that is not likely to happen.
The bright spot of the day was getting to meet and talk with blog reader, Deb. That was delightful.
I'm so tired after getting up at 2 a.m. to get there and get set up that I'm about to fall over. So... off to bed for me. I only wish my electric blanket was hooked up. I'll have to make do. I'm too tired to get it out.
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