Tonight was the first (hopefully annual) Downtown Art Walk in Hutchinson, Kansas. That's Don Fullmer explaining the process he used to create these really wonderful curtains he had hanging up. That's Teresa on the left.
Don and I are on a board together, but I had not been to his studio before. It's a lovely open space. I couldn't resist taking some pix around the place - with his permission, of course.

After Don's Teresa and I both went to the far end of main, to Jennifer Randall's studio. It's a great space. Jon Dennis was scheduled to play tonight so I got a chance to chat with him while he was on a break and to hear him play.

Hopefully I'll be able to go to the peace demonstration on Saturday. That's where I first met Jon and also Mikaela, who I got to say hello to tonight. I didn't get a chance to visit with her. Frankly, I'm a little out of it. I slept three hours last night - literally. I worked all night, going to bed at 7:30 this morning and then got up at 10:30. So, I wasn't exactly at my best tonight.
I wanted to go to more of the locations, but I needed to come back home and work on things for the garden tour.
I had lunch with Jade, and then Teresa and I went to get a bite tonight. I wanted to do more of the art show. It was fun to run into a lot of people I knew. Pity I didn't get to chat with all of them. But, even I am sleep deprived at only three hours - so it's probably best I focus on getting my work done.
Next year I'll try to be better prepared for the tour. It was a lovely evening - cool enough that it was pleasant to be outside. There was live music at various spots downtown and lots of people out enjoying the event. I didn't even go to Jeanette's studio, which is next door to my office, because I was just out of time to have fun. I only did the two studios at opposite ends so I didn't get the full effect because I wasn't walking, as the name "art walk" would imply. I missed out on some fun because of that. I'll remember that for next year. At least I did get to enjoy some of the experience.