Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I've had a couple of emails from folks commenting that I've not been writing my usual kind of material here - what I'm thinking about, what I'm ticked off about, what is happening in the political world, etc. I assure you I'll be back to my usual self after the holidays. I just need a break.

I'm sick to death of hearing about the horrible economy and all the other "news" of the day. So, I'm avoiding. Those of you who have read here for a while know I'm a big believer in avoidance as a coping technique. Denial catches up with you almost immediately but avoidance, avoidance my friend can carry you through for a long time.

So, I'm avoiding. And, blissfully, it's a great season for avoidance. There are sparkly holiday lights and Christmas music and pretty presents and looking forward to seeing my family.

You can always haunt the archives if you need a fix of the other sides of me. Below is a list from 2007 and earlier, in no particular order, of some of the things people mention to me now and then. Meanwhile I'll be here, cocooned in my fluffy Christmas world, for a bit longer.

This I Believe

Is This appropriate?

Bits and Pieces of Life

I am No One's Daughter

How Big is the Sun?

Easter Sunday Thoughts

The Last Time

Let it go, let it be, let it lie

A Ten Year Plan

Letters from 1982

Old Friends

Poking at old lives

Dr. Robert Putnam

Finding a Good Man

Not Natural to Be Happy

Travel with Matthew - 4/9/2004

Teaching Children - 4/18/2004

Mama 4/24/2004

Journals 7/27/2004

Unity 9/14/2004

Happiness 9/17/2004

Person of Rivers 10/10/2004

Check www.patsyterrell.com for the blog, art, and more. Friend me on Facebook.com, Follow me at Twitter.com.


It's only one week until Christmas eve. I don't know about you, but I have many things to do between now and then. I have numerous work things to do before the end of the year and some of them are a bit complex. I worked on one of them today, but didn't get it done, so I'll tackle it again tomorrow.

Most of my shopping is done, although I still have a couple of little things left to buy. I have everything wrapped that I have bought, but there are some little details I won't take care of until the last minute.

To top it off, it's too darned cold here at the moment to be doing anything. We have an "arctic blast" and they're not joking. It was frigid all day and is supposed to be the same tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to being out in it tomorrow and I have a long list of things to accomplish.

Tonight was our Chicks Christmas party and it was lovely. Tomorrow night is the MHA board meeting so I'll have to be out in the weather then, too. I'm one of those people who's cold all the time, anyway, so this is not a bonus.

They're planning to turn my water off tomorrow for at least part of the day to work on a break - we have a giant hole in the street right in front of my house - so I'm going to shower before I go to bed tonight and sleep with wet hair. I should have planned that better, but so it goes.
Check www.patsyterrell.com for the blog, art, and more. Friend me on Facebook.com, Follow me at Twitter.com.