Greg here. The word just arrived from Dr Horbelt. The lab results came in early. Patsy's tumor was benign.
Was there ever a more beautiful word than "benign"? Nope. Not today. Not for all of us.
"Benign." There; I said it aloud just to hear it.
Patsy update 2/3/2009: This is the first time Ace has ever smiled. I'm flattered.
oh what Joy - thanks Greg
Hallelujah! I had to look in the Webster's to see how to spell that but it's the first word I thought of. Wonderful news!
Mary Lou
Beautiful, beautiful, wonderful benign...you're right...it absolutely IS the best, most gorgeous word in the language!!!! Congratulations!!!! See you tomorrow morning!!!!!! Fantastic!!! Barbara
Absolutely Fabulous! May you have a speedy recovery!
Very good news Patsy, angels were watching over you. Best wishes for speedy recovery.
Wonderful news! BLESSINGS!
Hell! You mean we went through all that worrying for nothing?
Seriously, there is much rejoicing in Patsyland. As insightful as you are, it will be interesting to learn your thoughts on this ordeal as you gain perspective on it in the coming months. Wonder how it will change you.
Oh thank Goodness! Take care! That's the "B"=word everyone wants to hear!
One of the best photos Greg has ever taken of Ace!
Fantastic News!! Sending continued blessings for Patsy's recovery.
Lisa T
wonderful news!! Thank goodness and thank God...so happy for you Patsy. Benign is a super word!! take care and best wishes on your recovery ....Elaine in Florida
Fabulous news. The best :)
Have to say you certainly know how to make hospital blogging 'fun'....I didn't realise blog posts about hospital 'could' be fun!!!! ;)
Love to you all! :)
Long may the good news last :)
Having experienced the exact same fears, and both counting the time and dreading the time until the lab results were in (with our daughter), I KNOW the thankfulness, relief, and absolute joy you all are feeling with this news. I am so happy for you. I hope everything is smooth sailing in terms of total recovery.
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