Remember when your Mama told you that if you couldn't say something nice about someone to just say nothing at all. Well, once again, mothers everywhere have been proven right.
There's this thing called Spontaneous Trait Transference, which is a fancy way of saying that when you say Aunt Bertha is a lazy bum, on some level people are thinking that YOU are the lazy bum. It doesn't matter if Bertha is, indeed, sponging off the relatives for a living and has never worked a day in her life while you are an overachiever. The idea is still planted that you must be more than a little familiar with the concept of being a lazy bum if you are spouting off that way.
I know. I'm the bearer of bad news. Sorry. But in light of this information I had to write about something other than what I had originally considered. I'm sure you understand.
Check for the blog, art, and more. Friend me on Follow me at All text and photos on this website are copyright Patsy Terrell, unless otherwise noted. None are to be used without permission. Thank you.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Your Mama was Right...
Spring is Here
I don't care what the calendar says, spring has arrived. Today my first daffodils opened. Actually, it happened this evening. I went to the post office around 7:30 p.m. and they were still buds. I did some running around and when I came home at 11:30 there were three that were open.
As always, I couldn't resist picking one to bring in to put in one of my vases that sit on the shelf above my kitchen sink. I'm infatuated with these little vases, almost all of which have pink on them. But tonight I chose to use one of the clear ones I picked up recently.
I love daffodils. They spell spring to me like nothing else. And they are the precursors to one of my very, very, very favorite flowers - hyacinths. I love, love, love, love hyacinths - the purple ones are my favorites.
My mother had some planted when I was a little girl and she would always pick them and put them in a fruit jar in the middle of the table. The smell was so sweet and would permeate the whole house. I can close my eyes and be right back there, elbows propped on that table, looking at those flowers and drinking in that smell. That table is now in my dining room and I have my own purple hyacinths planted, but it's never the same of course.
My mom also grew peonies, roses, pinks and other things in her flower bed. At one time or another almost all of them found their way into a vase in the middle of the table. Thinking back, I realize she was seeking a kind of beauty in her life that we all need. And what better way to capture a bit of it than with a bouquet of flowers? You don't need to be rich to have some beauty in your life.
Check for the blog, art, and more. Friend me on Follow me at All text and photos on this website are copyright Patsy Terrell, unless otherwise noted. None are to be used without permission. Thank you.