Last year I went away with some friends to work on a vision collage. For close to a year, my collage was lying about, but not on the wall. This spring, I put it up on the wall where I see it from my desk. It's been there in the background for a few months.
Tonight I glanced up at it and two things jumped out at me. First was this "Fresh Start" segment. Obviously, I've had a fresh start in my life with a new job.
Then I glanced down at the lower right corner and spotted this "Escape the Ordinary" bit. In this job I'm surrounded by one of a kind artifacts. Nothing about it is ordinary.
Isn't it funny how life works sometime?
On this collage is a lot of jewelry and at the time I made it I remarked I'm not even that into jewelry. Just yesterday I bought some earrings and a necklace and thought, "Hmmm... I'm more into jewelry these days than I have been in a long time." I've always loved stars, and have some star jewelry. It's all the more appropriate now in this job.
I'll be curious to see what else happens related to the collage. Maybe that canopy bed is yet to come my way.
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