I have spent most of the weekend engaged in fair-related activities, although I was on the fair grounds very little today.
Susan and I met for lunch and to catch up. It was great to visit with her. I was with her until about 3, then ran over to Trish's briefly. I did manage to do a little work at home before leaving for the Huey Lewis concert at the fair. Very little, but a little.
Trish and I met there and I'm glad I went. It was fun. Those guys can really sing, which they proved by doing a couple of numbers acapella. They also handled a concert they way I like - no opening act and don't be too chatty between numbers.
The one thing they all do that drives me nuts is the fake encore thing. It's fake because we all know they're coming back. I'm not sure why groups can't play until they're done and then be done. I don't get the point of it, but apparently I'm the only one who doesn't get it.
The weekend has been too fast. This will be a busy week for me at work and I'm on the road one day so there's much to accomplish.
(Greg took this photo of me Saturday night)
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