Yesterday I made a pact with myself - you know how those go - "if this isn't better by tomorrow..." Well, this morning when I woke up my eyes were so goopy I could hardly see, meaning it was definitely not better, and I needed to see the eye doctor. It's just allergies - nothing major. I have "allergy bumps," which was determined by turning my lid inside out so he could look at it - a little something I'd not had the pleasure of until today.
But this morning when I was getting ready I thought, "hmmm... if I have an infection I could be transferring it with the mascara..." so no makeup for me today. Not that it wouldn't have been an icky mess anyway.
Teresa and I had plans for lunch today at Roy's. And, so, of course, it's TODAY when I'm wearing no makeup that the Cox guy asks to interview me about my Cox service. Of course, today. Naturally. I've only eaten at Roy's about a million and four times but it's TODAY when I have no makeup on that Cox wants to interview me. Today.
Do I have the common sense to say no? Of course not. I blunder right on through. No makeup and all. I can only hope it will be on the cutting room floor or whatever the modern equivelant of that is. The digital wastebasket I suppose. Although I did work "brisket" into one of my answers, which doesn't exactly flow with high-speed internet and cable.
Teresa, unlike me, was fabulous... sporting her freshly waxed eyebrows and all.