Tonight I went to see the play, "Five Women Wearing the Same Dress" at the Hutchinson Art Center. It was SO good!

Two of the people from work are in it, and I didn't want to miss it.

I'm so glad I went - it was hilarious.

Michele (on the right) is right across the hall from me at work and I've been asking her about this play since she started rehearsals a month ago.

Her character, Georgeanne, is drunk throughout the play, as you can probably tell from the ever-present bottle.

It's about five women who are bridesmaids, as if you couldn't guess.

Two things really surprised me about the play. One is that it's really funny - I mean, laugh out loud multiple times kind of funny. Two is that all of the actresses were really good - I mean really, really, really good.

I couldn't stop taking photos - they all had such great expressions.

Meredith is someone I also work with and she was hilarious in the play. Her character is rather subdued, by comparison to the others, but she has some really funny moments.

These "antenna" on their headbands were just the perfect topper to the dresses. I think they captured the idea of bridesmaid dresses and hats.

The character, Frances, on the left here, cracked me up. She repeatedly says during the play that "I'm a Christian," as explanation for everything.

And there is a lot for her to be scandalized by. The language is adult and the content and references are adult. This is not a play for the kiddies, but it's great for the adults.

I can't urge you strongly enough to take it in. It's Friday and Saturday night at 7:30 at the Art Center at 5th and Washington. It's really good. And a bargain at $8.

I'm really impressed by people who put themselves out there on stage for something like this. And in this case it was such an impressive showing.

My congratulations to:
Jaden Bowman as Frances
Casey Walker at Meredith
Tobie Henline as Trisha
Michele McCartney as Georgeanne
Meredith Miller as Mindy
Matt Montgomery as Tripp
and Director Shannon Knipp

This was a production of the Hutchinson Theatre Guild.

At the end of the play they all pose for a photo. Very convenient for me.

I had such a great time tonight. It was written by Alan Ball incredibly well, and was very well acted by our local group. I was so impressed!
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