My friend, Jill, has a peach tree. A prolific peach tree. Today she posted that she was bringing peaches to her office and anyone who wanted some could come by with a paper bag and help themselves.

I called her right after five to see if she was still at the office and still had peaches. The answer to both questions was "yes" so I ran by on my way home.

This called for getting out Mama's recipe. At some point when I was a kid I typed some of her recipes. Of course, now I wish I had the original recipes, but I do have a lot of them in her handwriting.

I had a little over two cups of peaches once they were peeled and cut.

It was a little too much for the dish, but I put a cookie sheet under it and let it run over the edges. I love those crusty edges.

Thanks for sharing, Jill!
so thats what cobbler is
it's a cross between pie and cake, I guess... the "dough" is more cake like instead of pie crust like.
Us old folks know about cobbler and that one looks delicious!!!! We also called it "do-gob"...as in peach do-gob, or blueberry do-gob...in fact, I think I've even had mulberry do-gob!! Keep up the good work!!
I've never heard the term "do-gob" before. Cool! It was tasty, but as soon as I cut it it was all "gushy" because I had oversugared the fruit. (If there is such a thing as oversugaring!) That meant, of course, it wasn't pretty enough to share. I had to eat it all myself!
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