I spent a few hours in the art studio today and it was wonderful. I had hoped to get a lot of things done in the house, but most of my time today was spent painting and cutting and glueing and varnishing and enjoying.
I went right into the studio this morning as soon as I woke up. Three hours later I had finished a piece and decided to get dressed and meet the day. It was snowing and I went for a walk in the snow, which was perfectly lovely. The snow stopped, then started again, while I was out walking. We didn't have any accumulation because it didn't snow very long, but it was very atmospheric.
After lunch I was trying to motivate myself to work around the house but found myself back upstairs in the studio again.
I haven't felt like bending over the table in there, but I had my back and neck worked on Friday afternoon and it feels so much better. I need to get into the routine of going for that treatment regularly again. It makes so much difference.
Tomorrow is the flea market. We'll see if I can actually get out of the house. They're predicting snow and ice, but their accuracy rate is pretty minimal so I'll look out the window in the morning and decide for myself.