I spent about six hours in the studio today. I lose track of time when I'm in there. This is the latest thing I'm working on. It includes paint, watercolors, pastels, fabric dye, and more. I love the process and getting to mix the colors and create the patterns.
Earlier in the day I went to Home Depot to have them cut more boards for me to paint on. They were very pleasant, even though I know it's a pain to cut all those smaller pieces.
Last night a young man named, Brant, was incredibly helpful. Then I went over to the paint department and the young lady there was great.Today a man named, Bryce, happily cut a 4 by 8 sheet for me. All very pleasant to deal with and very helpful.
There are so many things I need to be doing around the house, none of which I accomplished today, but I enjoyed playing in the studio.