This is obviously someone I should know. I think we might become friends.
I spotted this in traffic Monday afternoon on 30th street. Fortunately, I was right behind them and could take a photo.
We need some system in our society for communicating to people we don't know - "Hey, I see you love this thing... and I love this thing too... lets see if we could be friends." But, people would think you're very, very odd - and probably scary - if you did that. Pity, because most of us could use more friends.
If you're not a fan of "The Big Bang Theory" on CBS, it's funny and incredibly witty. This is a reference to what the character, Sheldon, (who I happen to have a major TV crush on, but that's another story altogether) says when he makes a joke.
I've been watching since the first episode and in case you don't know me well enough to know how little TV I make it a point to watch, it's astonishing that I know it's on Monday nights but is moving to Thursday nights in September. It's the only TV show I make it a point to arrange things around when possible. It's intelligent and very witty.