My friend, Hollie, sent me a note in Facebook the other day and asked if I'd like these cards. They're ones her parents received when she was born. She is in a process of clearing out and decided to let go of some of the cards her mom had kept from that time.
Of course, I was delighted to get them. I love the typefaces, the paper and the colors. The one on the right with the gold is felted.
They're a definite time capsule and something I love having around. Maybe some will find their way into artwork. Maybe they'll just be admired on occasion.
But they're a reminder that Hollie was thinking of me - just as the friends of her parents were thinking of them when she was born. It's as if these cards have gotten to serve their purpose twice in this lifetime already. Who knows, maybe they'll get yet another opportunity.
Imagine if we all got the chance to do that? To serve our purpose at multiple times.