You may remember some time ago I wrote about going to the Pike's Peak Writer's Conference in Colorado Springs. My friend, Kate, started a campaign to send me and many of you contributed to the cause. I also applied for a scholarship and was awarded one.
So... I went to Colorado Springs a couple of weeks ago and it was amazing!
It was at the end of April and first of May. I haven't written about it until now because the night I got home and flipped on the news was the night we learned about Bin Laden. So, it didn't seem like good timing, and I'm just now catching up.
I went to sessions on Thursday - Sunday, and it was an incredible experience. The level of writing at this conference was amazing.
A couple of highlights...
I signed up for a session called "Read and critique." You read the first page of your novel in a small group and an agent, editor or author gave you immediate feedback.
In my session agent Sandra Bond was giving the feedback. When I read the first page of my novel she said she would turn the page to read more, so that's good. One of the wonderful things about this session was that you got to hear other people's first pages - that's one reason I knew the writing was really great at this conference. Two people in the session got the go-ahead to send their material to her to look at in more depth.
That's what you're hoping for in such a circumstance - to have an agent or editor say, "Send it." That's the first step to getting published.
One of the other things you could request at this conference was an appointment with an editor or agent to pitch your book to them. Again, the idea is to have them say, "send it."
I got an appointment with an agent who represents southern fiction, as well as other things. I pitched a different book I have that's finished because the work needs to be finished but in my eight minutes with her I did mention I was working on a southern fiction book.
She asked me to send the book I was pitching and said she would look at the novel when it's done. So, that was wonderful. I'm polishing my book proposal these days so I can get it sent off to her.
Who knows what will happen, but it's great to have this in the works. The book I pitched may be too regional - we'll see - but I'm excited that she's willing to look at the novel, too. Now I just need to find the time to finish it.
Overall the Pike's Peak Writer's Conference was spectacular. The level of instruction was great and numerous agents and editors are there. You have an opportunity to pitch them at lunch or dinner, as well as the pitch appointments. I spoke with one person who had gotten requests from four agents and two editors.
So, that's the update on Pike's Peak. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your help and your good will. I will keep you posted on future developments.