Tonight we had our first snow of the season. It lasted about an hour and was big, puffy flakes. They were showing up at streaks because of the intense wind. I took this photo through the glass of the front door, but you can see the streaks.
I love snow and it was beautiful to see some. However, it's the first cold and windy day we've had so it seems very cold outside, even though it's not that bad. But, I didn't want to go outside to take a photo nonetheless.
This week and the next couple of weeks I'm teaching quite a few classes at the library. They're all technology related. Today it was computing in the clouds. Tomorrow it's word. Friday it's blogging. It's always fun to watch people discover new, cool things.
I've been developing a new "Patsy Theory" about technology and personality types. When it's more fleshed out I'll be sure and share it here, but it's still taking shape.
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