Not with one guy, but four. (Get your mind out of the gutter. It wasn't like that.)
There were roses, music, soft lights, a crowded room - pretty much all the elements one needs. It was sweet, it was funny, it was memorable.
How did this all happen? We went to see the Celtic Tenors in Salina at the Stiefel Theatre.

And a girl can't help but fall in love with men who can play and sing like that! Especially when they smile at you from the stage, give you a rose during a rendition of "Lay Down Sally" that is unlike any you've heard before, and come to the lobby afterwards to meet the fans, sign autographs and pose for pictures.

I hope their significant others don't mind that I fell in love with them all. I just couldn't help myself. Surely they will understand. Thank you to the wives, children, and other loved ones who share them by letting them go on the road and entertain.
Now the Highlights Magazine test - what is different about Matthew in the following two photos - one from the first half, one from after the show?

Yes, he shaved his beard at intermission. Apparently his wife called yesterday morning and told him to "lose the beard." He dutifully did. That is a good husband!
By the way, if you want to be chosen for such honors, here's a hint: Sit close and smile. I'm starting to notice that people are sometimes not very engaged at concerts. Let loose. Have some fun. Smile, for goodness sake. It's fun! When you go to something like this, you're a participant, not just a viewer. It's not TV. It's live. Enjoy!

If you get a chance to see The Celtic Tenors, do. You will not regret it. I can't imagine another show in which you can hear "Silent Night" sung in three different languages, mixed in with some Bob Dylan, ancient carols, and the best rendition of "O Holy Night" I have ever heard. Up until now, Johnny Mathis held that title, with Mahalia Jackson coming in a close second. And I love them both - just went to see Johnny last month - but this was a goose bump moment. I'm a girl who has heard some renditions of "O Holy Night," my nickname is "Miss Christmas," after all - and this one is my number one now.
Great show. Really fun. A fabulous way to spend a holiday season night.
My friend, Greg, took these photos, and was also responsible for our evening of fun. He is a master of fun. Thank you, Greg!
Both Sharon and I were gifted with roses from the stage. A night of good fun and amazing music.

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