I met this little lady at the St. James Tea a few weeks ago.

The St. James Tea in Wichita is one I've wanted to attend for years. The timing just never worked out until this year. Fortunately, my friend, Jan, and I were able to go. She had been before. It was a perfect day.
When we walked through the church and over to the area where the tea was being held, we were guided on the path by this wonderful scene.

Just inside the door was this nice vignette.

The tea goodies were on tables in the center of the room, with beautiful flowers.

Ladies charged with pouring tea were stationed at each end of the tables.

The trays of food were continually replenished and you could help yourself to whatever you fancied.

We were quite taken with these little chocolate mice. I'd seen photographs of them in magazines, but never actually seen any that someone had gone to the trouble to make.

They had round tables set up all over the room, all with tablecloths, and you could sit down and enjoy yourself. Some people came and went as the day went on, and some - like us- stayed for an extended while.

There were a number of young girls attending in beautiful dresses. This little girl was at our table for awhile with her mom and grandmother. She was really sweet. You can see she has a white chocolate mouse, as well as the traditional dark chocolate one!

There was a fashion show twice that day. We caught the second part of it the first time and stayed for the second show to see the rest.

It appealed to all ages.

Ladies in their church bring treats for the tea. They also have sales of various things along the edges of the room, and a silent auction. I managed to bring home five more cookbooks. They were only $1 each. How could I resist?

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Love the pictures. We've made the chocolate mice at our house. What with the cherry cordial in the body and the kiss at the nose, they are plenty rich.
Looks like a beautiful day and a great good time.
It was really fun... wish there were one every month!
Patsy, Thanks for sharing this very special tea. The little girl is a delight and the food and flowers just lovely. I have missed you at ATAA and wondered what you were up to these days.
Thanks, Marilyn... It was a really fun day. It's so nice to hear from you!
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