Friday, January 13, 2012

Storytelling is What I Encourage Others To Do

It's all storytelling, you know. That's what journalism is all about.
          --- Tom Brokaw

Storytelling has been a theme in my life the last couple of years. I know I've written about it here many times. Tonight I ran across this quote from Tom Brokaw and it reminded me of a post I'd written recently about this very thing. 

The obvious thing is to think of myself as a story teller, but I realized tonight as I was thinking about it that I'm not so much a story-teller as I am a story-preserver. I seem to find myself in situations where I give other people a chance to tell their stories, where I can help them tell their stories. More directly, I should say I put myself in those situations.

This seems a really valuable thing. Not everyone has the ability to tell their story without help. Not everyone recognizes their story. Maybe this is one of my functions on the planet. 

I'm very excited about a new project that's looming in my life. It would be this exact thing and bring together a number of different skills I have to make it happen. I've wanted to do a project like this for years, and haven't been able to because I didn't have the necessary organizational skills to get it started. Fortunately, this time I have a partner who's wonderful at those sorts of things. We'll see if it all comes together. I'm so hopeful it will work. We shall see!

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