Thursday, February 18, 2010

Third Thursday

Third Thursday in Hutchinson is a night of art, music and other fun downtown every month. One of the centers of activity is always at Jennifer Randall's Gallery 7. Tonight the Gazaway Mountain Boys were playing, and Tammy Colladay was singing with them.

I always intend to make the rounds, but I go somewhere and find folks there I know and we start chatting and then I start to make my way to the door and scenario repeats.

Tonight I bumped into Amy and Greg downtown.

And I saw Kate, Tracy and Emma... I get the feeling that young Emma is used to having her photo taken!

There was a great crowd tonight.

Jennifer just moved into this space in the last few months and has repurposed the meat hook into something far more artisitc. Interesting approach for a strict vegetarian, don't you think?

She also has some decor for the event.

Jennifer made what started as a one-night artwalk by the Downtown Revitalization Project into a regular, ongoing, every month event and it's wonderful. She is also the one who keeps things organized and moving along. People sometimes think things like this just happen. They don't. They require someone to take responsibility for keeping them going and that's Jennifer.

That's Jennifer on the left.

And here on the right, talking to Amy.

Before I went to Gallery 7 I stopped by the Reno County Historical Museum, which was having its reopening tonight. They've been closed for some renovation. They had an idea for an exhibit I really liked - the staff picked some of their favorite things to display. They also had a number of items from a large collection of items they took from the Hobbs family in the 1980s.

There were some cool things on display, and one of my favorites was this street sign.

Delos Smith's trunk was another cool one. Delos was an actor who appeared in numerous films, including One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. When I first moved to Hutchinson it was common to run into him at various spots around town and it always resulted in an interesting conversation.

I would have liked to see how this looked in my hair, but it wasn't available for playing with.

These shoes are also very interesting, although I don't think I'd want to be facing these every morning before work.

This stool make from sewing spools has a funky vibe I like, too.

Of course, as is often the case, it was a little detail that jumped out at me. In the Hobbs exhibit, on a little stand, was this book. I just love the artwork on it.

And I love this, too.

Linda asked me about having some of my hand painted journals in the gift shop there, which would be cool. I need to see what I have on hand that's ready to go. That would be fun.

As I was leaving the museum tonight to walk to Gallery 7, I noticed Memorial Hall across the way. It was the site for tonight's presentation of "Peter Pan." I couldn't resist a photo of the museum's entrance framing Memorial Hall.

There was so much going on tonight that I had to choose what to do. That seems to be the case most of the time, which I guess is a nice problem to have.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Saturday when I was coming back from Roy's I spotted this little bit of spring in the front flower bed. A crocus - bright yellow, insisting that spring is imminent. Of course, poor little thing has been snowed on and suffered below freezing temperatures since then. You've got to love that persistence.

The last few days have been a blur. I'm very busy at work. Everyday I start with a pile of notes of things I want to get done and I work as fast as I can and at the end of the day I've gone through a bunch of them but I've added new ones. I think I'm losing ground, overall.

This past weekend I worked Friday night, went in Saturday to tidy up some from that event, then went to Wichita on Sunday for an event, then out to a meeting last night. I'm starting to need a little time to stop and think. Of course, that will just mean I'm more behind at work. Seems like the proverbial vicious circle, although I really enjoy the work.

Of course, in addition to work, I insist on having a life, and that takes time as well. Seeing plays, going to lectures, eating out with friends, gathering with groups, serving on boards - it all takes time and energy. These are very pleasant things, of course, but I think my attraction to having a life explains why my house is always a mess. Something has to go. I'm sleeping as little as I can and that only leaves so many hours to work with.

Naturally, I keep thinking of other projects I'd like to do. I'm getting a number of speech requests lately, which I love doing, so that's nice. I've also got some social networking jobs lined up, which is great. If I could just squeeze another 9-10 hours into each day I could get everything done I want to do. If you have the answer to that, please let me know as soon as possible.

I love all the parts of my life. I just want to expand some of them, and address some I've let lie fallow.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Henry Winkler at the Dillon Lecture Series at Hutchinson Community College

Henry Winkler spoke at the Dillon Lecture Series at Hutchinson Community College this morning. Best known for his role as "The Fonz" on Happy Days, Winkler is also an activist and co-author with Lin Oliver of a series of children's books.

The son of German Jews who emmigrated to the US and believed strongly in education, Winkler's academic showing was a disappointment to his parents. They referred to him with a German phrase that translated means, "dumb dog."

Winkler learned at age 31 he had dyslexia and it explained the difficulty he had had in school. He said he defined dyslexia for himself as being one-third figuring out school, one-third figuring out why you can't figure out school, and one-third covering the shame and humiliation.

When it was time for college, Winkler applied to 28 schools before getting two to accept him. He went to Emerson College in Boston and said he nearly flunked out his first year but he took so many tours around that they gave him another chance.

At the luncheon afterward he said he got through college by reading each word separately, and outloud. He learned scripts the same way.

He eventually was accepted into the Yale School of Drama. At this time he said, "I was tired of continually hearing negative thoughts about everything." He realized that's how he was talking to himself and he learned a technique that whenever a negative thought started he would mentally say, "I'm sorry. I've got no time for you now."

He said, "Don't put a period on the end of a negative thought." That way it can't grow into a negative sentence, a negative paragraph or a negative thesis. Winkler finished Yale, and was one of only three asked to join the professional acting company.

Winkler has an affinity for children, and spoke directly to the young people in the audience today. He said, "You all have greatness in you. Every single one of you has greatness. Your job is to figure out what your gift is. How we learn has nothing to do with how brilliant you are."

He spoke about auditioning for his famous role as "The Fonz" in Happy Days. He said he got the call he had the role on his birthday, when he had run out of money. He mentioned the large amount of fan mail he got during those years, including the many gifts. There's one he says he still has on his wall today, that he has had visible since 1975 - a metal cutting that says, "If you will it, it is not a dream."

He said, "There's no reason you can't live your dream." He reminded the children, "You have an amazing amount of power inside you. Your job is to figure out what to do with that power."

Winkler's parents were not impressed when he got accepted to Yale. They were not impressed when he got the role of "The Fonz." But, once the show became popular, and for the 10 years it ran, they referred to themselves as, "the co-producers of Henry Winkler." He joked people were always telling him they had his parents' autographs.

Winkler said we all have to make the most of ourselves because:
1. each of us has unique qualities
2. we need to help someone else, and if we don't something mportant will remain undone
3. we can help people at the beginning of life before damage is done
He went on to say, "This city, this state, this nation rests in very little hands."

He admonished the crowd that the "prejudice between intellectual and vocational pursuits has to be erradicated." He went on to say that the great scientist will be living in a house built by a contractor.

At the luncheon afterwards, he spoke briefly about education and said teachers are expected to teach the brightest student and the one having difficulty the same material in the same amount of time. He said, "It is Herculean, and almost impossible."

The short section he read from one of the books today was about him trying to take a spelling test and the frustration that led to him banging his hand on his head.

Winkler ended his speech by saying, "Thank you so much for listening, because my parents never did."

Afterwards he spoke with people and shook hands for quite awhile, getting to the patron luncheon much later than usual. I didn't mind at all, even though we had very little time with him at the luncheon. It was nice to know lots of people got to connect with him.


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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Appreciate the love in your life, in whatever form it takes.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


I am sitting at my desk, still wearing what I slept in, downloading apps on my phone. Maybe when you're downloading things like the periodic table to your phone you know the day isn't likely to be overly productive.

I can't honestly say I've needed to look up the symbol for manganese recently. Besides, I already know it, because Mrs. Keyser made us memorize the periodic chart in 9th grade chemistry. Or was that 10th grade? or 11th? Whenever it was, I still remember that Mn is the symbol for manganese. I doubt I'll need to know that today, or tomorrow, but I like knowing it.

Of course, it's easy to remember things like manganese and magnesium (Mg), but what about antimony (Sb) and argon (Ar)? Right? One might need to know those at a moment's notice. And with just somewhere between three and 47 clicks I can find that out now.

Truth be told, I didn't even remember antimony until I looked at the periodic table. Shouldn't we all know the elements? Of course we should. That's why Mrs. Keyser had us learn them. And that's why I need to have the periodic table on my phone to refresh my memory.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Five Women Wearing the Same Dress at Hutchinson Art Center

Tonight I went to see the play, "Five Women Wearing the Same Dress" at the Hutchinson Art Center. It was SO good!

Two of the people from work are in it, and I didn't want to miss it.

I'm so glad I went - it was hilarious.

Michele (on the right) is right across the hall from me at work and I've been asking her about this play since she started rehearsals a month ago.

Her character, Georgeanne, is drunk throughout the play, as you can probably tell from the ever-present bottle.

It's about five women who are bridesmaids, as if you couldn't guess.

Two things really surprised me about the play. One is that it's really funny - I mean, laugh out loud multiple times kind of funny. Two is that all of the actresses were really good - I mean really, really, really good.

I couldn't stop taking photos - they all had such great expressions.

Meredith is someone I also work with and she was hilarious in the play. Her character is rather subdued, by comparison to the others, but she has some really funny moments.

These "antenna" on their headbands were just the perfect topper to the dresses. I think they captured the idea of bridesmaid dresses and hats.

The character, Frances, on the left here, cracked me up. She repeatedly says during the play that "I'm a Christian," as explanation for everything.

And there is a lot for her to be scandalized by. The language is adult and the content and references are adult. This is not a play for the kiddies, but it's great for the adults.

I can't urge you strongly enough to take it in. It's Friday and Saturday night at 7:30 at the Art Center at 5th and Washington. It's really good. And a bargain at $8.

I'm really impressed by people who put themselves out there on stage for something like this. And in this case it was such an impressive showing.

My congratulations to:
Jaden Bowman as Frances
Casey Walker at Meredith
Tobie Henline as Trisha
Michele McCartney as Georgeanne
Meredith Miller as Mindy
Matt Montgomery as Tripp

and Director Shannon Knipp

This was a production of the Hutchinson Theatre Guild.

At the end of the play they all pose for a photo. Very convenient for me.

I had such a great time tonight. It was written by Alan Ball incredibly well, and was very well acted by our local group. I was so impressed!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Points to Live By from Patsy

The other day I was over in the education department and we were talking about press releases, interviews with reporters and websites. It was a far-ranging conversation, although not a very long one. A day or two later I popped over and on the white board in Laurie, Brad and Kate's office they had written this.

It says:
Important Points to Live By From Patsy
1. The mic is always on.
2. Own your own stuff.
3. You're always "on the record" with reporters.
4. It's not personal, it's business.

Needless to say, I was flattered. It made me smile. And they are all good points to live by I think.