Tuesday, July 05, 2005


This morning was the Fourth of July parade. Hutchinson is a town of about 50,000 - big enough to have a parade, small enough that you'll bump into people you know at the parade - or see them in the parade, as in this case.

I was at the Women's Civic Center, a building Trish has taken the lead on preserving. It was given to the library and they wanted to move it or tear it down. I approached them about using it as office space for the MHA but it was way too big for our needs.
But, the Arts and Humanities Council is going to take it over and use it for office space and also a performance area. It is the perfect use. It's a wonderful building on main street, right next to the library, and a block from where I used to live.

I recently joined the board of the Arts and Humanities Council and we decided to give away ice water and lemonade today for the parade. It was a big success. Andrea has been on this board for a long time, but unfortunately her term is about up so we'll only get to be together on it for a short while.

I went to help, but ended up not doing much other than visiting. I ran into Austin and his finace, Amy. Austin is Diana's son, and I just adore him. He's tons of fun - always in a good mood and very witty. I'm always tickled to run into him. Amy is very sweet but I haven't had a lot of chance to get to know her well yet since she doesn't live in town.

Julie and her husband were nearby and came over to visit. I also ran into Rob, who's the head of United Way here. Rob and worked together many years ago when we were both in the radio business. Rob is Martha's brother, just so you have the connections.

It was also a day for politicians, of course. What Fourth of July parade would be complete without that? Mark Treaster, who I'm so very happy was elected last year, walked in the parade and then came over to chat. His wife, Mary, is also on the board of the Arts and Humanities Council. Mark is a really good guy and I'm so glad he's in Topeka. He's not in my district so I couldn't vote for him, but was sure tickled he won.

The democrats had a float, but I didn't participate this year. Kathie was very involved in making it happen.

It was good to see everyone and enjoy the parade. I try to take advantage of those little bits of life that are disappearing. There are things about small town America that I love.

Mark came out for the day and we went to the fireworks at the fairgrounds in the evening, so I had a full day of activities for the Fourth.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Rainy Day

It has rained off and on all day, and has been pouring for the last few hours. Our temperature is down to 66, which is practically unheard of for central Kansas in July. Not sure how this will affect the parade tomorrow - if it's going to continue or not. I do know it will make the fairgrounds a mess for the fireworks tomorrow night.

I have been moving things around in the house, my "usual" job these days. I'm very weary of this task and it's barely begun.

Teresa called and asked if I wanted to go to lunch, so I took a long break and visited with her. We went to the same place Sondra and I went last night - El Potrillo. Teresa, Andrea and I ate Mexican on Friday night too. Three days in a row now.

Greg and Mark and I are trying to plan a trip together. It looks like it will really happen, so that's going to be fun. I'm trying to juggle a ton of things right now - house and otherwise - I hope I can get it all under control.

I talked to one of the guys Jesse recommended for a handyman today. He's coming over on Tuesday to look at the jobs. It would be good to get some help with these things. I just have too much to do on my own within the time frame.

I snapped some pix of the front flower bed today. I'm amazed at how much the morning glories have grown in only the last few days. Two weeks ago they were only about an inch tall. They seem to stay that way for a long time and then suddenly start to shoot up.

I always think I'm very optimistic when I'm putting up the six feet tall string when they're an inch tall. But, they're starting to grow rapidly now. One year at my old place, I started the seeds early indoors and by July 4th they were all over the front and blooming. These are all volunteer - just came up from the seed I planted two years ago. I love the convenience of that, but it would be nice for them to be further along now than they are. There's a trade off for everything.

This is the first year I've ever mulched but people tell me it will keep the weeds down. I can only hope so. I have really fought with the weeds in this flower bed - and the grass.

But, it always looks so sad to see a flower bed in front of a house that's just weeds and is neglected. It makes the whole place seem sad. I'm hoping many of these come back year after year.

I'm in love with the lime green vines. They're not perennials, but I really love the look of them so thought I'd get some anyway. I guess next year will be the test - we'll see what reappears.

Well, time for me to move a few more things before going up to bed. Today is the last day that my antibiotics should be working and I'm feeling good, but still get tired really easily. So, I need to try and get some extra rest.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

The Big Five

I'm a O95-C47-E95-A38-N4 Big Five!!

Working on the House

I've been working on the house today - moving things around and trying to prepare to get the floors done. It is a big job and I'm so weary of moving things. In a little over three years I've moved my household once and my office four times. It's a lot of moving. Even though I had a ton of help from friends - not the least of which was my former bf who was a huge help - I am worn out from packing and moving and doing it again.

I'm trying to find places for all my little "pretties" that are sitting out on shelves. Obviously, those shelves have to be moved off the floors. I'm putting some things on the mantel and I do have some shelves that are mounted on the wall so things can be set on them too.

I guess I'll take all my computer stuff to my office while the floors are being done. That way I can use it there, since I do a lot of work on my home system. It will also keep it from getting dusty.

I have some painting I want to do before the floors are done, too. I love to use carpet as drop cloth and then just rip it out and throw it away. I cannot express how happy I will be to have my home carpet free. I despise carpet. It is the nastiest, filthiest concept anyone has ever come up. How they ever sold it to the American public, I don't know.

Hasn't everyone seen what a throw rug looks like after being walked on for a week? It's disgusting. Tacking it down at the edges - like carpet - does not keep it from getting dirty.

Anyone who has ever ripped up carpet should want to stay as far away from it as possible. It's gross, gross, gross. I don't have any downstairs, but still have two rooms upstairs and the stairway and upstairs hallway. I will be so happy to have it all gone.

Tonight I went to dinner with Sondra. That was a really nice break. It's always good to see her and she's the only person who understands the house thing. She is nearing the end of refurbishing her old house and it's charming.

I was thinking the other day that I'm guessing most of my friends probably think I'm nuts for buying this place that needed so much work. The plumber told me later that he thought I'd lost my mind when he was first in it. I'm guessing his reaction may have been "the norm." But, I love the challenge - as long as it's not so overwhelming I get stymied.

As I was driving home from dropping Sondra off I saw Jesse walking, so I asked if he wanted a ride. He's always such a pleasant sight. I've known Jesse for almost 20 years now - I met him through Mark when they both worked at the same place. He doesn't drive, but walks all over town. Anyway, if I happen to see him I always offer him a ride. He's such a pleasant guy - always in a good mood. He was headed over to a friend's so I took him there but they weren't home so I took him on to his family's house a few blocks away.

I also asked Jesse if he could think of anyone who could use a little extra cash that could help me do a few odd jobs around here. I just don't have time to get everything done I'd like to get done before the floors are done so I'm in hyper drive now. I need some help. And it seems nearly impossible to find someone who has time to do small jobs. Everyone wants the big jobs, but no one wants to do the small stuff. Anyway, Jesse knows tons of people so maybe he'll come up with someone who would want to help. I hope so.

I've also been playing with my PDA today. I am a new user and, frankly, much of this is gobbledy-gook to me. I can't figure out why what's on the PDA is not showing up on the desktop when I sync them. I have it set to overwrite the desktop, but there are appointments on the PDA that are not showing up on the desktop so it seems logical to me that if the PDA blew up that those appointments would not be visible to me. I don't know. But I know it's starting to make my brain hurt. That means it's probably enough for today.

I've had quite a few votes on the glasses, but I'm still taking your comments and votes. :) I'm undecided, still.

Well, I'd best get back to working on the house... stuff doesn't move itself... even if you twitch your nose.

Happy Fourth of July

Monday is the Fourth of July - a time for patriotism, barbecues and parades. Ace Jackalope is already decked out for the holiday.

I'll be spending the morning of the parade helping out with a couple of different floats and handing out lemonade at the Women's Civic Center.

Friday, July 01, 2005

The Great Glasses Hunt

The Great Glasses Hunt continues. Thanks to those of you who have sent your thoughts on glasses! Today I went to my regular eye doctor's office and tried on a few more. So, a couple of those are on the page now, too. I've also moved some of the lower ones up to the top now, as a couple of people mentioned they couldn't see the last 2-3 glasses frames. So... keep voting!!!
www.patsyterrell.com/glasses.htm THANKS!!!

Your Vote on Glasses Does Count

This is Jon, at Myoptix in Wichita. He has the best selection in the area of cool, fun, funky glasses. Actually, he may have the best selection in the region - meaning a few states. OK, probably the best selection except *maybe* on the coasts.

To top it off, Jon is tons of fun. It's hard to believe that picking out glasses could be fun, but he makes it that way. He's a blast.

He will also embellish your glasses with some extra bling if you so desire. He often has a large selection of vintage frames, in addition to the latest and greatest from Europe, as well as the US. So, if you're just not finding what you want, Myoptix should be on the agenda.

Diana, Jocelyn and I went there a few months ago when Diana got new glasses. Now it's my turn to get new glasses so I stopped in when I was in Wichita earlier this week. Frankly, it was the highlight of my day.

Neither Jocelyn nor Diana could go to help me pick out glasses, so Jon took some pix of me in different ones so I could get their opinions. I figured I'd just show them to you, too, and let you vote on your favorites.

OK... this was too bulky for the blog, so... go to www.patsyterrell.com/glasses.htm and you can see some of the ones I'm considering. Please, feel free to vote. I'm taking all comments under advisement. Thanks!

What a Beautiful Girl

If you've been reading here for long, you'll remember me talking about my friend, Trevis, from Scotland. We've gotten to know each other through GAMIAN and last saw each other in Philadelphia last year. I believe I posted some photos of the two of us together.

Well, this week, Trevis shared some photos of her 11.5 year old granddaughter, Taylor, with me. These are from her primary school prom, a tradition we don't have in the US but that seems perfectly lovely.

This was the first photo I opened, and I have to tell you that I was struck by what a beautiful girl Taylor is. Those blue eyes and that porcelain skin are an amazing combination. Absolutely lovely.

I asked Trevis if I could share Taylor's photo. I'm sure it's as striking to you as it was to me. Beautiful girl.

Dreams Come True

I love the surreal bits of life and everytime I see Jack White kiss Loretta Lynn on the lips I get it in living color. Gotta love it. The White Stripes frontman on Country Music Television. Who woulda thunk it?

White is a big fan of Loretta's... it's good to get to live your dreams... man... it's good... very good...

I've been blessed to get to live more than a couple of my own. None of my dreams involve Loretta Lynn or Jack White, but it's still amazing to move them into reality.

Guess it's time to make some new dreams... or get about making the old ones come true... I'm in limbo lately... I've gotta snap out of it... Life is going on everyday and I'm "spending" my time in this lifetime wether I'm using it well or not.

Thursday, June 30, 2005

What's in a Name

The question of the day - what do you think about your name and how did you get it?

My brothers (21 and 22 years older than me) named me. It came down to Delores or Patsy. My mother said "no" to Delores. So, Patsy it was.

My mother wanted a boy and had planned to name me Myron David. Oddly enough, one of my best friends in high school was a boy named MD. At some point, when we were seniors, I asked him what his given name was - Myron David. I have no idea where my mother heard the name Myron or why she was attracted to it.

My middle name is "Ann" - like 95% of the female population between 30 and 50.

I have always wished that they named me with a family name - Maranda Rose was my great grandmother and I've always loved that. Her mother's name was Sarah Emaline, which I also love. On the other side of the family, my grandmother's name was Minda Augusta, which I also like.

I don't mind my name at all. My family calls me "Pat" but everyone else calls me "Patsy." I had an aunt that called me "Patty" her whole life.

I don't get really worked up when people mispronounce my name or anything of that nature. Some people freak out. I just answer. It's not that big of a deal.

A name annoyance thing - when they ask me how to spell my name at a restaurant. I always just want to say - it doesn't matter - write down something you can say in a way that I'll know you mean me. You're not going to send me an engraved invitation, you're going to say my name over a $19.95 crackling speaker - the spelling is immaterial.

Wichita - shopping hell

I spent the day in Wichita, trying to gather up things I need for the house. I decided over the winter that this summer I was going to try and get a lot of things done to the house. I've lived here three years and in some ways it still looks like I'm moving in. I think realizing that I'm working on the last room I've not worked on spurred me even further a couple of months ago. So, now I'm trying to cram everything into the next couple of months.

Shopping is not my favorite activity by a long shot, so this was a long day, but I did get some things I needed.

I'm exhausted and my carpenter guy is coming at 8 in the morning so I need to get some rest. He's going to tear out a closet in the dining room that has to be done before they do the floors. I have a lot of other small jobs but I need to see how much time he has to do things tomorrow. He's a busy guy but I always feel lucky to get him - he does great work and he's very reasonable.

Well, off to bed for me. I won't get a lot of sleep because I need to get up early and clean out the closet Chris is going to destroy tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Ah, the power of a phone call

Today I finally gave up and called another construction person. Not 10 minutes later, my regular guy called back. Wish I'd thought of that sooner. I had no idea a phone call created a ripple that caused action. I'm making a note.

Monday, June 27, 2005

BTK Confesses - Big News Here

I live less than an hour from Wichita, and the BTK serial killer appeared in court this morning, reciting the details of his killings with no emotion. Of course, this is big news here since it's the culmination of a 30 year long investigation - not that it wouldn't be big news anywhere.

Dennis Rader very calmly gave the details of each killing, in response to questions from Judge Greg Waller. Waller needed to make certain that he really is BTK, so the questions were necessary. But people seemed surprised by Rader's delivery of the facts.

Rarely does the general public have the opportunity to see a known sociopath up close. I'm not a psychologist, so please accept my commentary as personal, and nothing more. Rader's behavior is typical sociopathic behavior - detached and emotionless - while talking about things that are horrific to most of us. Sociopath is the old term, but I still think it's understood better, and more descriptive, than anti-social behavior.

The really frightening part, that we don't want to discuss, is that sociopaths are not that rare - Martha Stout suggests in her book that it's about 4%. Much research indicates that their brains are built differently. So what does that mean for the rest of us? It means that it could just as easily be our brains that were built that way.

The governor said it was good police work that brought him in. I'm afraid I have to disagree about that. Good police work would have brought him in a few decades ago. He had to keep "helping" them with clues.

The Wichita police department has had at least one person on this case for 30 years. To those of us outside the loop, it seems that in 30 years one person could have tracked down everyone living in Wichita at the time of the murders who fit the profile.

Rader did, indeed, fall right into the profile and was on more than one of the lists of potentials. They simply didn't catch it. Obviously, no one knows the details except those involved and it's not my place to say that anyone messed up. But, it is also not appropriate to now try and make us believe that exceptional police work brought him in. That may be true at this stage of the game, but there have been decades where it seems not much was happening in that department.

Speculation is that he started giving them clues, wanting to be caught, because Beatty's book was going to take some of his glory.

The judge hearing the case, Greg Waller, is from Hutchinson, where I live. He spoke at a MLK event I went to here in January. He's a powerful speaker, an accomplished man, and an imposing - but charming - figure. Nonetheless, I would not want to meet him in his professional capacity.

The Wichita Eagle did a special edition today. These are incredibly rare these days because of the expense. They sold out all over Wichita in a short amount of time. I'm sure none even made it out of town.

The sentencing is set for mid August. It seems there will be no quick end to this part of Wichita's history.

Some People Play Solitaire

Some people play solitaire on the computer. For me, once you've seen the cards do their thing dancing across the screen that thrill is gone.

The thing I'm addicted to on the computer these days is kollabor8. It's a digital art site where you can add to someone else's artwork. I've been doing it for a month or so, and every time I start I have a hard time stopping.

It seems most people there are using photoshop. I'm also using art rage, which I've recently fallen in love with. Just what I needed - another reason to sit in front of the computer.

However, I haven't been too industrious the last few days. But, I woke up this morning being able to breathe, which is a dramatic improvement so hopefully I've turned the corner.

After it cooled off tonight I did get out and cut some tree limbs and drag them out front. Tomorrow they are going to pick up limbs from the recent storm so I thought it was a great opportunity for me to get those out there too.

I think it's time for me to go back to bed. I've spent so much time there in the last few days. I haven't been able to stay up for a whole day in quite some time. Maybe tomorrow is the day!

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Garden Journal

I painted a journal to use for my gardening information for this year. My hope is that many of these things will survive and come back next year and that gardening will be much simpler in future years.

I have taped down in this journal all the plant spike markers that tell what each plant is. Hopefully it will help me to know what to buy next year if I can keep track of what does well.

I do not seem to have a natural knack for gardening like some people do, so I may have to go through some trial and error to get it.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Art Style or Rut

Tonight I have been looking at artwork on the web. I don't know what you call this phenomenon, but I see it over and over again. Some people do only "cute" things, even if their subject is somewhat macabre. It might as well be bunnies and chicks. I think they could make the skull and crossbones look like a duck with a beribboned hat perched on its head. How do they do that? Is it intentional? Or is it just as it is?

I find in my own work, that regardless of what I attempt, what elements I use, the finished product is always "intense" in some way - color, form, whatever. Recently I ran across some art work I had done in college and, although the details are different, the theme is the same now - colors mixed in abstract ways to form their own pattern and form. It seems to be my "rut." It doesn't matter if it's paint, yarn, cloth, pencil or some other medium it always ends up the same basic format.

About a year ago I tried to do "cute" and could not accomplish it. I managed to make a postcard that had soft colors and a rose on it. That softness was a real departure for me. I do like the card, but it did not come natural to me.

Even when I make jewelry or art dolls or something outside the realm of paint, they turn out to rely on color and/or form for their distinctiveness.

I guess you could call it "style" but it's also limiting. We should be able to step outside our norm.

I should be sketching bunnies now...

Friday, June 24, 2005


Well, I'm disappointed I'm not on my way to Kentucky right now. I'd probably be getting there right about now for the reunion tomorrow. I decided to not go since I've been so sick with this cold/infection/whatever.

This is the first Myatt reunion I've missed in probably 15 years. I hated to miss it but it just couldn't be helped.

I do feel better today. The trick is keeping me feeling better. I've felt better a few times in the last week and a half but I can't seem to stay feeling better. I started zithromax today to hopefully that will do the trick. I have a nasty taste in my mouth and a faint smell of mold so I'm guessing that's a little gift from the antibiotics, but I'll live with it.

Teresa and Diana have called today to check on me, which is really nice. I had lunch with Debbie, which was fun.

Well, I think I'll head on upstairs. I worked in the studio a little bit today and have a project I want to finish. I'm starting to get tired so I think I'll try to make an early night of it.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Most Women Want Diamonds, I Want Juice

Most women want diamonds, I want juice. Not just any kind of juice, but electrical juice - power - mmmmm.

Few moments are as exciting in life as today when the electrician told me that I now have TWO outlets in my house that are on their own circuits. Oh... the excitement of it all.

One is a new one where my Christmas tree will go this year in a corner of the living room. The other is in the dining room where there was an old fashioned air conditioner outlet. That has now been replaced with a useable outlet that's all on its own circuit. Oooooh the things I can do with that.

For years, my Christmas trees has blown fuses and/or circuits. Finally, I will be able to run my tree the way I want to, without fear of these inconveniences.

As you may have guessed, the electrician was back today - actually two of them were here most of the day - and many things got accomplished. Very exciting stuff. I'm getting ready to take a trek around the house and see if all the new security lights work.

For reasons I don't understand, I am the only one on our block that leaves my porch light on. The result is that it's very dark here. I now have security lights on both sides of the house and the front. They may not be the most attractive things, but if someone walks on either side of the house, which no one has any business doing, the light will come on. It will also be good for people to see getting into their cars at night when I have friends over.

I also made a trip to the eye doctor today. I need new glasses, which I pretty much already knew. They didn't have any frames that spoke to me, so I'll have to hunt around for something new.

That was after lunch with Trish, which was wonderful. She is such a treasure in my life. That friendship is one that only deepens with time. We have shared broken hearts and the happiness of fresh love more times than we're starting to want to count. I know she is someone I can trust completely, who will be excited with me when a new relationship begins, and commiserate with me when one ends. I also know she would tell me if I did something foolish. How can you ask more of a friend? It's such a lovely, comfortable relationship.

I have felt better as the day has gone on, but spent all morning in bed. I called the doctor for another prescription. I start zithromax tomorrow, after my last amoxicillian tonight. I still sound awful and my ears still hurt. I'm officially very, very, very sick of being sick.

I called my sister in law today and told her I just can't come to the reunion. I hate to miss it. I haven't missed on in probably 15 years at least, but I just cannot drive 12 hours, go the reunion, and then drive 12 hours back in the next few days.

Of course, if I feel great on Saturday I'll be thankful, but also a little sad that I'm not there. But, it just can't be helped. I can only do so much and apparently I'm over my limit.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Still Sick

I am still sick. I get better and feel pretty normal and then I'm worse. I spent half of yesterday in bed and the same today. I just can't seem to shake this and it's a little nothing infection. But it has sure knocked me on my butt. I haven't spent this much time in bed sick in years. My doc is out on Wednesdays but tomorrow I'm calling for more antibiotics - one prescription is not going to be enough, obviously.

I'm supposed to go to Kentucky for a family reunion this weekend, but if I don't feel better I don't think I can drive for 12 hours. I'll just have to see how I feel.

Yesterday I had breakfast with Greg and did some more work on the flower bed. It's looking pretty nice. I think it needs a couple more pink geraniums and then I'm pronouncing it officially done. I bought some mulch the other day. I'm going to use that and hope it keeps the weeds at bay.

I do have a couple of things to plant around the corner of the house, yet, but overall it's about done. I'm putting in some pink honeysuckle to go with the other I planted last year. I know some hate it, but I love it.

I had a board meeting last night and could barely talk during it. Alternately, I sound pretty normal and then the gunk shifts and I sound awful. Greg and I met at Skaets late in the day for moon burgers. For some reason, Greg gets annoyed about me taking his photo a few dozen times while he's eating.

Today has been a frustrating day. I had an electrician here most of the day and very little got accomplished. I need to find someone who deals with old houses, specifically. I also had the floor guy here today. I'm on his schedule so it will be good to get that done. So many things have to happen before then. Sometimes I feel like I can't keep all the balls juggled all the time.

Monday, June 20, 2005

A Day Full of Fun and Friends - and BEADS!

Diana and I had planned a trip to McPherson today. One of the bead stores is going out of business and things were 80-90% off. I got some wonderful Swarovski beads - they were expensive to begin with, and not cheap even at 80% off. They came in packages with quite a few in each and I don't want nearly all of them. So, after I make the things I want to do I may pop the rest of them up on ebay or my webpage. It would take me many years to use them all at the rate I make stuff.

Greg was planning to go up there too to shop for his girlfriend, Mia, who makes wonderful things. She is a SERIOUS bead person. Anyway, we were leaving at about the same time so just all went together. I had offered to get things for Mia, but then I couldn't even figure out what I wanted - much less someone else - so it's a good thing Greg went. We were all concerned about the cost of our baubles, even at 80-90% off, by the time we got to the check out stand.

Hopefully yet this week, Jocelyn, Diana and I will have a jewelry making night together. We'll see if that works out. I've got a family reunion this weekend to prepare for so I'm not sure if we can figure out a time to do it all.

When we got back to Hutch, I couldn't resist stopping by Dillons on the way home and getting yet more plants. I'm not sure why I can't stop myself. I need to try harder. I'm about to run out of room. I need to rearrange the rocks and see what room I have. I'm trying to balance the colors. I'm beginning to discover this is not natural for me to do with plants. Hopefully I'll learn.

Tonight was our Red Hat group. Frankly, I think we should forget the red hats and just go to dinner. None of us seem to care about the hat thing. I've never been a good conformist, what can I say? It was a nice group tonight - Susan K, Debbie, Teresa, Diana, Jocelyn, Susan N and me. We had a good time together.

I think I'll douse myself with deet and put a few more plants in the ground, instead of doing it at 4 a.m., which is what I was doing last night. I was up until 5 and got up at 8, so I should try to get to bed a little earlier tomorrow. Besides, I have a board meeting tomorrow.

I need to finish some house things and I'd feel better. I need to get my handyman over here to do some tasks, the electrician is coming on Wednesday, the roofer is supposed to call tomorrow. I have been putting off a ton of things and it is really time to get them taken care of.

Well... I'm off to get spray myself head to toe with mosquito repellant, although at this point I'm not sure there's any reason - I'm one big mosquito bite already.


Today was the garden tour to raise money for the MHA. We had a dry day, but it was HOT. But, things went well.

This was one of the houses this year - this garden is all geared toward birds and butterflies. It's a really neat place - a little north of town.

She has hummingbirds, which are somewhat unusual in Kansas. We're right on the edge of their migration pattern. She also has tons of butterflies.

Trish was the board member in charge there. I'm so fortunate that my board members are willing to pitch in for such events. When you're a one person staff, you have to have help.

I was just worn out - I guess from all the work getting ready for the tour. Anyway, I've been pretty droopy - not feeling bad - just worn out.

Greg and I went to Chilis for dinner. I'm not impressed with them. I've been four times since they opened and three of those times I've had to send part of my food back because it was cold. I don't mean a little cool, I mean cold. To top it off, the front desk staff rubs me the wrong way - a little too full of themselves. Seem to believe they're really cute or smart or powerful or something. Honey, trust me, you ain't all that.

Tonight I planted more flowers in the front. Goodness knows what this will look like - I've planted half of it in the dark. But, it's too hot during the day to be doing it. I'm close to having in everything I've bought so far. I think tomorrow I'll be able to look at it in the daylight and see what few things I'm missing and maybe get those in. Then, I guess, it's time for mulch - not something I've ever done.

I love being a home owner, but I remember a time when I didn't think about things like mulch or devote internet time to reading about attic vents.

Sunday, June 19, 2005


A simple thought...

Ever heard a serial killer, rapist or someone who "went postal" described as a "social butterfly."


I rest my case.

My Numbers

You enter your name and then it gives you your info...
http://www.paulsadowski.com/Numbers.asp if you wanna do it too...

I have to say much of this is true about me - on the positive and negative side. Maybe those ancients knew a thing or two after all. Who would have guessed?

You entered: Patsy Ann Terrell
There are 15 letters in your name.
Those 15 letters total to 65
There are 4 vowels and 11 consonants in your name.

Your number is: 11

The characteristics of #11 are: High spiritual plane, intuitive, illumination, idealist, a dreamer.

The expression or destiny for #11:
Your Expression number is 11. The number 11 is the first of the master numbers. It is associated with idealistic concepts and rather spiritual issues. Accordingly, it is a number with potentials that are somewhat more difficult to live up to. You have the capacity to be inspirational, and the ability to lead merely by your own example. An inborn inner strength and awareness can make you an excellent teacher, social worker, philosopher, or advisor. No matter what area of work you pursue, you are very aware and sensitive to the highest sense of your environment. Your intuition is very strong; in fact, many psychic people and those involved in occult studies have the number 11 expression. You possess a good mind with keen analytical ability. Because of this you can probably succeed in most lines of work, however, you will do better and be happier outside of the business world. Oddly enough, even here you generally succeed, owing to your often original and unusual approach. Nonetheless, you are more content working with your ideals, rather than dollars and cents.

The positive aspect of the number 11 expression is an always idealistic attitude. Your thinking is long term, and you are able to grasp the far-reaching effects of actions and plans. You are disappointed by the shortsighted views of many of your contemporaries. You are deeply concerned and supportive of art, music, or of beauty in any form.

The negative attitudes associated with the number 11 expression include a continuous sense of nervous tension; you may be too sensitive and temperamental. You tend to dream a lot and may be more of a dreamer than a doer. Fantasy and reality sometimes become intermingled and you are sometimes very impractical. You tend to want to spread the illumination of your knowledge to others irrespective of their desire or need.

Your Soul Urge number is: 3

A Soul Urge number of 3 means:
With the Soul Urge number 3 your desire in life is personal expression, and generally enjoying life to its fullest. You want to participate in an active social life and enjoy a large circle of friends. You want to be in the limelight, expressing your artistic or intellectual talents. Word skills may be your thing; speaking, writing, acting, singing. In a positive sense, the 3 energy is friendly, outgoing and always very social.

You have a decidedly upbeat attitude that is rarely discouraged; a good mental and emotional balance.

The 3 Soul Urge gives intuitive insight, thus, very high creative and inspirational tendencies. The truly outstanding trait shown by the 3 Soul Urge is that of self-expression, regardless of the field of endeavor.

On the negative side, you may at times become too easygoing and too optimistic, tending to scatter forces and accomplish very little. Often, the excessive 3 energy produces non-stop talkers. Everyone has faults, but the 3 soul urge doesn't appreciate having these pointed out.

Your Inner Dream number is: 8

An Inner Dream number of 8 means:
You dream of success in the business or political world, of power and control of large material endeavors. You crave authority and recognition of executive skills. Your secret self may have very strong desire to become an entrepreneur.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Unexpected Treats

Today I had a wonderful, unexpected treat. I got to meet Marge - on the right here - one of the people on my discussion list. We've "known" each other for a year or two on this list - I'm not sure how long. She was in town today for a geneology seminar. She emailed a couple of days ago, asking if I had time in the midst of garden tour planning to get together and - of course - the answer was yes.

We had a lovely conversation. Her friend, Nancy, was with her and I met them after Marge's conference for a late lunch.

Actually, I didn't have lunch because I'd eaten a late one with Trish today, after breakfast with Greg.

I was up until almost 3, and then got up a little after 6 so I could plant more flowers while it was cooler. It was a beautiful morning - cool and breezy. I made some progress.

I wish I had taken pix of the 'before' with all the weeds, but I didn't. But, I've made some improvements. By late morning I had planted some things and moved some rocks around.

These rocks are ones I got last year while visiting my now ex-boyfriend at his farm. They're great rocks. The large one became a joke. When I pointed it out saying it was a great rock he said, "Patsy, that's not a rock, it's a boulder." I said OK, no problem, but he very sweetly went and got the three wheeler and hauled the rock to my car.

He lifted it into the trunk of my car, saying he thought it was about 150 pounds. Then I couldn't get it out of the trunk. Diana's son, Austin, finally came and lifted it out for me. I can scoot it from one place to another, but I cannot pick it up. I had forgotten that I picked up a number of smaller ones at the same time. I'm going to sprinkle them throughout the flower bed when it's done.

I'm also thinking about maybe covering the wooden ties with rock on the front. I'd prefer rock but am just not industrious enough to rip everything out and start over.

I visited Lowes, Home Depot and Wal-Mart garden departments today and bought plants at each one. I'm going with a pink/purple/blue/yellow theme. Frankly, I don't know what I'm going and will just hope for the best. I am sticking with things that like full sun - that's all I know. And I'm using more perennials - I don't want to do this every year. I want this to be THE time I plant the flowers.

The mosquitoes have arrived with a vengenance in the last 48 hours so planting has been a challenge. Even this morning they were out in full force. Do they never sleep?

Well, tomorrow is the garden tour. Hopefully all will go well. I hope so!

Friday, June 17, 2005

Books and More about Gardening

This morning I got up and started producing more things for the garden tour. One of my former board members allows me to copy at his office for free, and since I produce 800, 32 page books for the garden tour, that's a ton of copying. That would be 12,000 actual copies, which at 6 cents each that is sort of the going rate - a total of $720. Because of his generosity, I'm able to do it only for the cost of the paper - less than $50. I did some yesterday afternoon and finished this morning.

Volunteers came this afternoon to help me get the books assembled, stapled and folded. I had asked for six people - had four, plus me - but we got it done. Unfortunately, I had hoped to do some other things while they were doing books so now I'll have to do that tomorrow. But, at least the books are all done.

They are nice - not exactly as I would have liked, but being sick two of the days I had set aside to produce it means it's just not the way I would have had it ideally. But, probably only I will know the difference, and it looks nice - has some good looking ads that I think are probably well-targeted to this audience.

As soon as the books were done, I ran to the bank and to the printers to get some things cut. I stopped in to Diana's to say hi while the printer was cutting my forms - they're on the same block.

Teresa was in Diana's store visiting so I got to see her. And Jocelyn was in the back giving a Reiki treatment. I stayed at the store while Diana and Teresa ran down to Smith's market - a wonderful little fruit and vegetable market we have here.

Greg and I had planned to have dinner, but he was so tired he decided to go on to bed - he had been up all day after being up most of the night. So, Jocelyn and I had dinner with Lauren, her granddaughter.

Lauren discovered for the first time tonight that I have long hair and wanted me to fix it like Cinderella. Unfortunately, I don't know Cinderella's hairdo, so that was a bit of a problem. She played with it a little bit and I'm guessing we'll be doing that again in the near future. She's three - almost four - and about as adorable as they come.

I ran right to Lowes after eating, to get some flowers.I went and looked the other night so I could buy them pretty quickly tonight.

I think the weeds in my front flower bed are finally dead - I hope so - because I just invested some serious cash in flowers to go in it. I planted four of them tonight but it was dark by the time I got home. So, I'm going to try and get up early in the morning and do it. It will be far too hot later in the day to be messing with it.

I can already see that I'm lacking some different kinds of plants - I have purples and yellows and I need some other colors and also some with long, skinny leaves. I know that's not very sophisticated for those of you who are gardeners, but I'm not that knowledgable. I just want it to be flowers instead of weeds.

I have some volunteer morning glories coming up so I need to get strings out for them to climb. I love morning glories. I also planted a honeysuckle last year - had forgotten about that until it started looking like a honeysuckle. I know some people think they're weeds but I love them - viney things going everywhere really appeal to me.

I wish I had taken pix before I started killing the weeds and then with them dead but still in there, but I didn't. So, now I'll just have the flower pix, but so it goes.

I'm going to try and be diligent about keeping track of what is planted where. I have no excuse now that I have a digital camera.

Well, I must go bathe. The mosquitoes have come in full force in the last couple of days. I'm not sure why, but I swear they are the size of small birds. The little blood suckers just love me, so I doused myself in spray before I went outside but now I'm really wanting to get it off of me.

Nose to the Grindstone

I'd had my nose to the grindstone the last few days. The garden tour is Sunday and I've been producing the ticket brochure (32 pages) and such the last couple of days. I copied this afternoon and have to go in the morning and finish. I have volunteers coming to help tomorrow afternoon, but unfortunately, not enough to get the job done, so I guess I'll be finishing it on Saturday - not something I'm especially thrilled about.

It will be curious where they will all park since we have a major construction project going on downtown now. It is going to be nice when they get it all done - it's a beautification project and they're adding in some nice pieces. I snapped this out my office window this afternoon.

I had the camera out because I tried to take some photos of the pendant we're raffling off during the garden tour, but the pix didn't turn out well. It was designed specifically for us by Richard Westphal, a local jeweler, who has won a number of national design awards.

He's an incredibly talented man - very creative - and one of the kindest people you would ever want to meet. His store is right across the street from my office so when I look out the window I can see his store - it always gives me a warm feeling.

We discovered one day when we were just chatting, that we used to live in another town at the same time. I went to school at Murray State University in Murray, Kentucky for one year. He was a jeweler there at about the same time. Just funny how those things work out. I grew up about an hour from Murray, and went there for their music program, which is exceptional. I quickly learned I did not have the necessary talent or dedication to be a music major, but I have always valued the experience. Life just turns out the way it's supposed to be.

Dick was instrumental in helping us get the office space we have now and it's wonderful. Greg Payton owns the building and is the most amazing landlord I can imagine. He is so good to me. Very kind and very generous. He owns the optical company that's next door to the building I'm in. He has done wonderful things for Hutchinson and I fear he is under appreciated.

He, and my friend, Martha, were the ones who really got the Fox Theatre restored and we are so fortunate to have it. I could go on at great length about the Fox and how beautiful it is, but it's best to just let you see for yourself. You can see their photos - where this one came from too - from various times over its history at http://www.hutchinsonfox.com/gallery/index.htm. I just pulled this one off to illustrate one small feature. The lights are incredible inside. It is gorgeous and we are so blessed to have it. Martha and Greg really made that happen. My friend, Andrea, was its first Executive Director. It's a wonderful facility.

Greg and another local business man have redone a number of downtown buildings, including the one Greg's store is in and the building I'm in. They are a big part of the reason our downtown is as nice as it is.

Well... I didn't intend to write about Downtown Hutchinson tonight, but I guess I did. And it's a fine subject, really. I will try to snap some more pix in the next few weeks and share them here from time to time. I wish now I had been taking snaps out the window all during the construction project but it didn't occur to me until today. They're making pretty fast work of it.

I'd best turn off the computer and get about other things. We are getting more storms tonight. Again. We had a major storm last night. Hutchinson had 80 mph winds - lots of trees down and some power lines too - some cars crushed by trees - the usual bit. Both my neighbors have tree parts down. Since my only tree is about four feet tall it wasn't a problem for me.

Thankfully, my lawn guy came day before yesterday. My lawn was getting really nasty and it looks like he came just at the right time - between the storms. It's supposed to be nice all weekend, so that will be good for the garden tour.

I have a lot of house stuff I need to get done. I'm sorry to say that the new kitchen ceiling tiles they put up a couple of weeks ago are sporting a new wet spot after last night's storm. So, one of the calls today was to the roofer.

It's a good thing I love my old house.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Doctor - yikes

I gave in today and went to the doctor. I rarely go to the doctor and certainly not for anything minor but the fact that I'm a mouth-breather, and not even good at that right now, prompted me to trot out to his office. Ok, I didn't trot, I ambled slowly and then wheezed from the exhaustion of the block long walk from the car to his office.

My ears and throat are sore but the real problem is that I can't breathe. It's bizarre - it's not my head stopped up and it's not my lungs - it's the bronchial tubes because it's a small little area. I sound pretty nasty. It's a good thing I'm not a radio person anymore - I'd be very bad at it right now.

But, I have some amoxicillian now and with just two pills in me I can tell it's starting to break it up a little bit. I suck at being sick. Some people love the attention. I love feeling normal.

I did call and cancel the electrician for in the morning. I'll reschedule next week but I just wasn't up to it for tomorrow.

I met Susan K for breakfast today and then came home and went back to bed until my doctor's appointment. I have been up and about since then and feeling a bit better but I'm about ready for a nap. Maybe I'll be able to sleep tonight. I hope so.

We had Chicks tonight and I didn't want to miss it. It was our third anniversary. I feel so blessed to be part of this group. Such a great part of my life.

It was part of the reason I started Creative Sisterhood. I had thought about something like that before, but something about Chicks and seeing it work gave me the incentive I needed to follow through on starting Creative Sisterhood.

I did some garden tour things today. I've lost about 2 days and I really don't know how I'm going to get everything done. But I will just have to because it has to be done and there's no one else to do it. So... there you go.

I think a good night's sleep will do me some good. I hope I get one. I really want to go play in the studio a little bit but know that's not the wise thing for me to do tonight.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Corel Painter

On one of my art lists, they've been talking lately about Corel Painter versus Photoshop. I've been using Corel for many years - much longer than Photoshop, and yet I've never played with Painter. This is unusual for me - I'm usually quite the experimenter. But, I've mostly used Corel Draw, not Painter.

Well, at the urging of folks like Karen Winters, who's work I really admire, I took a few minutes tonight to play with it. (http://www.livejournal.com/users/kwintt/ and http://www.karenwinters.com/journalpages/ to see Karen's amazing work)

It just so happened that red was the default and I automatically drew a heart, playing with a variety of brushes and such that you can't see here.

Anyway, I just kept playing around with various things and ended up with this odd - but some reason appealing (at least to me) heart.

Maybe it's because my heart is still broken, maybe it's because it's trying to heal a bit. Whatever the reason I was inspired to draw a heart - it could have been that red was selected because I was working on a logo before that - I thought I'd share it here.

Now, after this little interlude, I must get back to work on garden tour things! Being sick and in bed for a day and a half did not help my schedule at all. Fortunately, I'm feeling better.

Michael Jackson deemed Not Guilty

They're reading the verdicts in the Michael Jackson trial - all NOT guilty. Can we please, please, please, please, please stop having this conversation?

Yes, the man is a freak. We all know that. How could he be anything else given how he grew up? Being a freak is not illegal in this country.

Honestly, I wouldn't have been surprised at either verdict. I'm not a huge Michael Jackson fan, but if police have all this evidence, it would seem they could find some more believable people to testify.

Anyone who sleeps with children is, of course, weird, bizarre and freaky. But, why are the parents of these children who shipped their kids off to spend the night with Michael not on trial? Wouldn't that be child endangerment?

We all have free will. If you think he's guilty then don't send your kids off to Neverland. That would seem to be a no-brainer but apparently bears stating.

I'm so ready to not hear another word about this. Yes, the man is a freak. We all know that. As of today, he's a freak who has been determined to be NOT guilty of the crime they've tried to pin on him multiple times. If he has been abusing even a small percentage of the children who have been to Neverland, it would seem police could find at least ONE credible witness - just ONE. They've been unable to for years. Please, let us all have a rest.