Saturday, December 15, 2007

Fraese Drug in the Wiley Building in Hutchinson Kansas

The snow is still coming down at 1 a.m. It's supposed to continue until a bit before noon. It's a beautiful snow. I snapped this photo of the new municipal Christmas decorations - this wreath outside of Fraese Drug in the Wiley Building - with the snow still coming down.

The other night when the ice storm started, Greg took this magnificent photo of one of the decorations on Main Street.

Greg's a professional - I'm an amateur - as these two photos make crystal clear. You can see more of Greg's work at

Friday, December 14, 2007

How about some Snow to go with that Ice?

The snow started in Hutchinson, Kansas about 3 this afternoon. Huge, fluffy white flakes. We still have significant ice in places, so the worry is that this will cause more power outtages. I snapped this photo about 4:30 out my office window on Main Street. It has continued snowing. They expect 8 inches. We have angered the weather gods.


We had sun today... it felt like a heat wave with temperatures near 40 degrees. Lots and lots of ice melted away. And things were very pretty while the sun was shining.

Of course, some trees are pretty much gone...

At various stoplights around town you'll see city trucks parked. If you look more closely you'll see generators running stop lights. It's the latest thing. What? Your town is doing it the old fashioned way?

While today was warmer and sunshiney, tomorrow the forecast is for snow. Hutchinson is expected to be in the worst part of the storm, getting 6-8 inches. That isn't exactly what I would have asked for if anyone had inquired what I'd like. I generally love snow, and if I could be tucked into my warm house with the Christmas lights on enjoying it, it would be OK. But, the idea of trudging back and forth in it and never having a place to really get warm is less appealing. But whatever will be, will be. We'll see what the morrow brings!

Lies Recordings Tell

When you call to try and get someone interested in the fact that you have no power in your home in the middle of December, when there's ice on everything and snow in the forecast, you get a recording that says crews are working "around the clock." That's comforting, until you realize it's untrue.

How do I know this? Because by happenstance last night I drove by the Convention Center and found 48 trucks from various entities, mostly our own power supplier, parked there.

Now, of course, everyone has to eat and sleep and do all the things humans do. But "around the clock" implies that one crew works a shift, then another crew works a shift, then another crew works a shift. This, obviously, is not happening when at midnight 48 vehicles with power company logos on them are parked at the nicest hotel in town. If there is equipment available, work could be happening. Thousands of people are employed by power companies - the recording says they're bringing in crews from other places - so they could just bring in more people because we have equipment sitting here idle.

I didn't walk in last night to see if anyone was having a beer at the sports bar. I didn't have time after driving through the parking lot to count trucks. I was on my way to my house to blunder around with a flashlight to get my plants to bring them with me to the office where I slept on an air mattress, i.e. not in the nicest hotel in town.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Ice Storm Continues

I'm at my office, where I will be taking up residence tonight I guess. My house is now far too cold to stay in. I'm worried about the pipes freezing, but I have no options that I can figure out to protect them. I took a shower this morning by turning on the hot water and letting the bathroom steam up first, then hopping in. It was far less miserable than I expected it to be.

The power company has now changed their minds from 1-2 days to "several days," and have defined that to some residents as "10-14 days." That would be Dec. 22-26 for those of you counting. Goodness knows I'm counting.

I have events scheduled at my house every day for the next week. I am cancelling things for Thursday and Friday and hoping to be surprised with power and feel sorry I cancelled. But I think it's the safest thing to do. I cancelled Creative Sisterhood tonight - the first time in five years - we didn't even cancel the day I got out of the hospital. But, only three of us could get together anyway.

I'm not really getting to enjoy that Christmas Tree I spent 80 hours putting together. It's my finest one so far, too. Pity. And it seems I may not get to enjoy it at all before Christmas. That is really disheartening.

What's really frustrating is that everyone in all directions from me has power except for two blocks, one of which is mine. We are the only ones without in the neighborhood.

But, people have it far, far worse. I can afford to eat out, while the food in my fridge sits there and rots. I don't have children that are cold, and I have a warm place to go that even has a high speed internet connection. Nonetheless, it's very, very frustrating.

Whenever there's a power outtage, whether I'm involved or not, I always think it's ridiulous that we have these lines we're so dependent on exposed to the weather. And, of course, there is a solution, but power companies and cities are unwilling to enact it. That does mean that when they say it's an "act of God" that that's not really true. An act of God means it's unavoidable and this isn't - the lines could be buried - but they've chosen to not do that. But, I'm betting that no one is going to take any responsibility for it nonetheless. Poor God - blamed for every bad thing that comes along.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I tried to sleep at home and did doze. It's a weird deal. I'm more than comfy under the covers. In fact I got too warm. But my little cheeks and nose are cold. Now the forecast is for only 31 today. It's 26 now and cold in my house. I'm dreadig getting out from under the covers but glad morning is here.
(sent from mobile device)

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Ice Storm Photos from Central Kansas

I believe the reason I don't have power is related to this sort of problem. Hutchinson Kansas, where I live, is full of scenes like this today. This was taken on Severance, around 9th street, but similar sights are all over town.

You can follow the power line here and see that it's a bit "strained." Power lines are not meant to form angles like this, or to be so heavily laden that they're draped like Christmas garland.

Power lines are also not designed to be a support structure for tree limbs.

That one, I'm sorry to say, is very near my home - less than a half a block away.

This one is in the opposite end of town, near Derenda Drive. It's a little hard to make out the line on the far side of the branch, but it is still attached to the pole. Well, at least it was this afternoon. That may have changed.

As far as I can tell, no area of town escaped this storm.

Storms are indiscriminate - they even damage mangers. But, if you're a religious person, note how that manger saved the roof. I'm just saying...

There are still some of us without power. It's really frustrating to me - the next block up from me - three houses away, has power. The people across the street have power. But, not me. Yet. However, the most expensive part of town (which is NOT where I live) is still without power, too. So, I guess I have some company.

There is damage everywhere.

Even tonight there are roads barricaded off because of downed limbs. In some places there are physical barricades and in some just caution tape tied to what's left of trees.

When you're driving around, you're always considering if the branches above you are going to hold out. Except this guy... All I can figure is that he feels secure in the deal he has made with the ice gods.

This was the only vehicle on the street and it was right under a heavily laden tree. But, in his defense, there wasn't a branch on the truck. Maybe he knows those folks with the manger that saved their roof.

And... finally... a little bit of irony... Yes... one should BE AWARE...

Fire trucks have been going everywhere all day but I understand from the radio reports that there have been no structural fires here from downed power lines. I hope that continues to be the case.

Well, I'm off to get some dinner and then to try and sleep in my chilled home.

Ice Storm Photos from Hutchinson Kansas

We've got a major ice storm going on in Hutchinson, Kansas, where I live.

I wanted to share some photos with you, but it's difficult to move around town for any amount of time. There are trees and power lines across the roads in various places. As always, it's sporadic. Last night I had no power, but one street to the north they had power.

If you look in the foreground of this photo you can see the real problem - a power line just laying across the road. I was able to drive right up to it. I turned around instead of driving over it. The road was not blocked - there are so many things like this that officials just can't control it all. There just isn't enough manpower to do it.

Here's the problem in a nutshell. See how heavy the tree is? Now, look at the power line and notice it's bowed not only from the ice, but also because a branch is balancing on it. This is not good. It's on Sherman street in the Houston Whiteside area. Unfortunately for me, that's very close to my house so this probably doesn't bode well for me and my neighbors as far as power goes.

Here's another situation in another part of town. It becomes a guessing game - which will break first - the tree or the line.

That question has been answered in many places.

There are trees on roofs

On trucks...

in yards...

and across roads...

Many times you have to back up because the road is completely blocked.

I'm in my office and downtown has power - at least at the moment. I'm recharging all my rechargeable flashlights and the zune so I have a radio.

I still have no power at home, although I understand it was on for a couple of hours overnight. That would explain why I was pleasantly surprised at how comfortably warm I was when I woke up. Unless we get power soon, that will not be the case later today. I opened the drapes to let what little sunlight there is into the house. But, it's not really sunny - very overcast. It's 32 and supposed to go down to 20. If it would just warm up a couple of degrees or the sun would come out it would do wonders. But, they're saying we're getting another inch of ice tonight.

There are 11,000 people in Reno County without power. In a county that has only about 50,000 people that's a significant portion of the population. And that doesn't account for the rural electric, which estimates another 4,500 are without power. Hutchinson is the county seat of Reno County. Estimates are that 70,000 are without power across the state. Repeatedly I'm hearing that Hutchinson is one of the hardest hit areas - and it would seem that Reno County accounts for a large percentage of those without power.

Of course, you can't help but see the beauty in it, too. It would be easier for me to see the beauty if my house were warm.

Crews are out everywhere, but of course we're all impatient. They're not making any promises about when we can expect power. If it gets too bad, and my office continues to have power I can sleep here. There are two shelters, including one at Trinity United Methodist.

I will be leaving here soon to get something to eat. I don't want to open my fridge so am going to go out and get some food. I will continue to update from my phone when possible. Although I'm posting this to numerous places, I only post to the blog at from my phone so check there for the latest.


Ice Storm Photo

Here's the problem in a nutshell. See how heavy the tree is? Now, look at the power line and notice it's bowed not only from the ice, but also because a branch is balancing on it. This is not good. It's on Sherman street in the Houston Whiteside area. Unfortunately for me, that's very close to my house so this probably doesn't bode well for me and my neighbors as far as power goes.

Check the blog at for the latest. I can update it from my phone even when I don't have net access and power.

Ice Storm in Hutchinson Kansas

This is at the southwest corner of Severance and Third Street in Huthinson Kansas. It's about half a mile from my house.

I'm at my office where I have power. I will continue to update, but only to since I can post there from my phone. So, if you're reading this somewhere other than my page, check the blog at for the latest. 

Ice storm and rain storm

I am back home. It's not miserably cold in my house but I'm going to want some heat in the next few hours.

it's still only rain. I think the weather forecasters have gotten over zealous once again.

But it's weird. There's ice on trees, lines, fences, etc. It's 32 degrees. It seems as it rains some of it is freezing onto coated surfaces and the rest is coming down rain.

We took pix but have no power to upload them. But it looks like I have power at my office so I will get pix online in a few hours. I'm going to sleep until daylight when I can see better.

There are huge chunks of trees in the streets and on people's lawns. The $400 I paid to have a big tree cut from beside my garage seems like money well spent right now.

(sent from mobile device)

Power crews are out working. As usual it's odd who has power and who doesn't. Houses on one side are dark and three doors down they have power. I would be mighty happy to go home and discover I had power but I didn't see any crews in my area. Pity.

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Greg and I are out driving around. Lots of trees down. People just a few blocks away have power. The roads are just slushy but trees are coated with ice.

(sent from mobile device)

I can hear trees breaking and crashing and what I assume are transformers blowing. It's dark everywhere. The only other sounds are train whistles and the occasional vehicle.

(sent from mobile device)

Monday, December 10, 2007

Ice storm in Hutchinson Kansas

We are in the midst of an ice storm here in Hutchinson Kansas. I have no net access except on the phone. It's only raining so far but it's 32 degrees so it's freezing on the trees and power lines. My power has been off three times but it's on right now.

In the big storm of 2005 I never lost power so the fact that it has been off three times in the last three hours doesn't seem like good news. And it's flickering now.

I have the heat turned way up and the electric blanket on to keep things as warm as possible in the event the power goes. Doesn't it seem bizarre that something we're so dependent on is at the whims of the weather?

The cable company is rather laissez faire about the fact that people have no access to tv weather or the internet or phones for those who have their phone through cable. They said they'd get to it tomorrow.

Things look beautiful outside - if only it weren't for the threat of no heat.

Speaking of which... The power just went off again... And stayed off. I have 5 minutes of battery backup. Looks like I'm done for the night.
(sent from mobile device)

Bracing for an Ice Storm

This is the view of Main Street from my office. You can spot our new Christmas decorations on the light poles. They're wreaths with bells inside them. I took this a little after 5 today, but it was already twilight because of the rain. You can tell everything is wet. We're thankful for the rain at the moment, because rain is not sleet.

They're telling us it's going to be very nasty - sleet, snow, ice - a "wintry mix" as they love to euphemistically put it. The Governor has already declared all 105 counties disaster areas.

So far my power has been off once for about 45 minutes and it's flickering again. I'm not sure why this is, since there's just rain coming down. In the major ice storm of 2005 I never lost power. So, why it went off in the rain is a mystery. I find it very, very, very weird that at this point in our evolution as a society that we still have to worry about things like the power going off.

Check for the blog, art, and more.

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree

I love everything about the holiday season. Strangers wish you a Merry Christmas, just driving to the grocery store means there are pretty lights to look at, you get cards from friends you don't hear from often, your house has pretty sparkly things in it, and, to top it off, there are presents! How can anyone not love it?

This, of course, is in addition to the religious significance of the holiday season for people of many different backgrounds. I'm already looking forward to Christmas Eve services.

When you think about it, isn't it really a lovely custom to drag a tree into our homes and stick baubles on it? When you think about the basics of what we're doing - bringing a tree into the house - it's somewhat astonishing. Of course, now they're plastic and metal and the baubles are electrified, but the basic idea of hauling in a tree is interesting. Bringing the outside in is no modern idea of home decor, obviously.

Check for the blog, art, and more.

Questions People Ask Me at Christmas

Greg took this ornament photo the other night and I just love it. He's so darned handy to have around. Handy as a pocket on a shirt is the phrase, I believe... although Greg is far better than a pocket.

Each year people ask me lots of questions about Christmas. Some of them I expect - some surprise me.

1. How many lights are on the tree? more than 10,000

2. How many ornaments? I don't know. Greg estimates 2,000.

3. How long does it take to do the tree? I kept track this year and it took between 70 and 80 hours. I realize that's somewhat ridiculous, so I'm looking for ways to simplify it.

4. How many trees do you have? It varies every year. This year I have five in addition to the main tree. They are 2, 3 and 4 feet tall, with a taller one in the kitchen that's one of those tall, skinny ones.

5. Does your power bill increase? I don't know. I have an average pay plan so I don't know the difference. I had an outlet installed that is on its own circuit to run the tree. This year I have put more lights on than before and that circuit breaker has thrown. So, I've divided the load out over three circuits. Before next year, the electrician will have to come back and put in another outlet that is on its own circuit - maybe two more.

I am so weary of the breakers throwing. Four different electricians have told me that Christmas lights don't pull that much juice and that one circuit would be more than enough. Obviously, that is not correct. I'm not sure why I can't have as much juice as I want. I'm willing to pay for it. I keep employing people that can facilitate it, but - yet again- I'm out in the dark throwing circuit breakers. Where are these keepers of the juice then? No doubt tucked into their warm homes, with sufficient juice to run their Christmas trees. Juice. I need more juice. I want more juice.

6. What is your favorite ornament? I don't have a particular favorite. I have lots of special ones that people have given me or made me or that I've picked up on trips.

7. Did your mom decorate this way? No, definitely not. And I can practically hear her laughing from the great beyond whenever someone asks that. She put the tree up one week before Christmas - Dec. 18 - not a day sooner. And it came down either Christmas afternoon or the day after. She was "normal" and I'm a fanatic. However, she ALWAYS put up a tree - even her last Christmas.

8. Are the presents real? Yes. I cannot imagine that anyone has time to wrap fake presents but I guess people do or no one would ask that. This girl doesn't have time for wrapping fake presents.

9. How many people do you buy for? About 30 - mostly family and a few friends. But bear in mind that some of those presents are simple things - like ornaments for my Creative Sisterhood group.

10. When did you start doing this? I first started buying ornaments in 1984, I think. I had small trees even when I was in college. I had my first big tree after I moved to Kansas. My then boyfriend, Curtis, wasn't around for some reason, and Greg helped me haul it into my apartment, which was the lower floor of a house at Fifth and Adams in Hutchinson. It was not as involved as the trees I do now. But things quickly grew into the "mega trees" I do now.

Check for the blog, art, and more.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Christmas Party - Part One

Tonight was my annual Christmas open house. When I set the date months ago, I had no idea we would have an ice storm tonight.

Of course, ice doesn't deter some folks, so we had a party despite the ice.

Mark came down from Kansas City and brought his mom along. Kris and John came from Wichita with their friend, Tom. And Ray drove in from Pretty Prairie, which is about 25 minutes away. It was a fun night.

Fortunately, when this was forecast yesterday, I slowed down my cooking, so I didn't make nearly the amount of stuff I usually do. I had plenty - even have some left - but there wasn't the normal variety. But, I think everyone had enough.

Kris and I, of course, had to take our usual "cute girl pic." Greg obliged and then suggested we expand our group, which we gladly did. That's Trish, me, Kris and Andrea.

Mark's mom has never been to the party before. I hope she had fun. She and Julie were enjoying chatting.

Trish and Jim have their house on a homes tour for their church tomorrow. I'm not sure if the weather will cooperate for them or not.

I love this photo of Ray and me and how Green Santa is looking down on us, as if he needs to approve our discussion. Greg graciously took photos for me, but we missed a few people. And, as usual, I don't have any of Greg. I've got to remember to address that in the future.

And, I'll get another chance. We've decided to have the Christmas Party - Part Two next Saturday night. So, if you didn't get to come tonight, come next Saturday. Mia decided to head back to Joplin after a concert last night in Wichita, because there was such a huge ice storm predicted for the area between there and Joplin. I think she made the right decision because it looks bad. So, I just decided I'd have another gathering next weekend, when the weather is supposed to be nicer, and then she'll be able to come too. So, if you still have the invite hanging around, just cross out Dec. 8 and put in Dec. 15.

As requested by some party goers, here's the recipe for

White Texas Sheet Cake

1 cup butter

1 cup water

2 cups flour

2 cups sugar

2 eggs

1/2 cup sour cream

1 teaspoon vanilla

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon baking powder


1/2 cup butter

1/4 cup milk

4 1/2 cups powdered sugar

1 cup chopped walnuts

In a large saucepan, bring butter and water to a boil. Remove from heat and stir in remaining cake ingredients. Pour into 15 by 10 baking pan - batter will be thin. Bake at 375 degrees for about 20 minutes, until done. Cool for 20 minutes.

Meanwhile, make frosting by combining butter and milk in a saucepan. Bring to a boil then remove from heat, add other ingredients and spread over warm cake.

Check for the blog, art, and more.